Boy, you can't leave this place for long without the liars and haters taking over.
Golson will do fine for the year he is stuck at FSU. He will bring a little bit of class to a very dark place and may show some of the respectable players at FSU what can be done if you stay away from trouble, don't rape, steal things, beat on girlfriends or strangers and not pay too much attention to the coaching staff and evil element that is so pervasive at FSU.
Golson will have far fewer turnovers than Winston had last year and as long as Winston stays, and continues to stink things up in Tampa, the women in Tallahassee will breath easier.
BTW, has Jumbo's ex-wife moved to Tampa with Winston or did she take up with some other young stud with a strand sexual appetite?
Mo1e, what do you think, maybe your inside sources at the athletic department, the same ones who told you about that ongoing affair between Winston and the girl he raped, will fill you in and you can help us find out who she is sleeping with this week.