ESPN Top 100 players


Shakes Down The Thunder
Apr 10, 2020
Morrison #12
Cross #45
Watts #52
Leonard #82
Mitchell #96

Morrison/Cross 4 stars, the rest 3. Don’t believe any ranked in Top 250 out of high school
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Interesting list, thanks for posting. Some things that caught my eye:
Surprised how high Cross is rated. I need to pay more careful attention.
Surprised by how much of the list was not rated at all last year.
Surprised to see Sparty has the number two guy.
Crazy to see how much Jaylen Milroe has recovered although I'm still not a 100% believer.
If this list is accurate, Ohio State's going to be awfully good.
I hate to say this, I don't think Watts is a top 50 player in the nation. There is a reason he did not go pro. I think he has been extremely lucky to be in the right place at the right time. There have been much better players throughout history that never put up the stats he did last year. For me to change my opinion I'd like to see him come up in run-support with a nasty-attitude (Harrison Smith), and I'd like to see him blanket someone in coverage while making an elite break on the ball (Kyle Hamilton). I mean he is good, and I'm glad he is back, I just don't think offenses are scheming around him.