Deshone Kizer's mechanics

Redfield was completely clueless on that play. He didn't react to the QB until Smith changed course. And he nearly ran over Smith. Might have been the best block of the day.

He was all over the QB on that same read in the first and third quarter.
he's had a pretty bad year.
Also, dumb shit, you don't verify who has the ball on any given play. You play your assignment or you read your keys that tell you what to do. You probably think that a DE is undisciplined simply because you seem him "chasing" the RB on zone read. Just like Jaylon on that play.

Go talk to a real coach. Show him this thread. Its hilarious that you try to pretend you coach or know something about the game. Echowaker always asks for your credentials. I don't typically care about that as anyone whose studied the game can be informed. But seriously, where have you coached? Your knowledge of the game reminds me of those ignorant screamers that always think they know better than the coaches.
can you imagine how he would defend navy ?
or, "everybody chase the guy with the ball "

Oh yeah, then he screams at the guy because he didn't use proper "verification" to determine who had the ball. The guy is a clown. Sad that he has to make himself feel better by pretending to be something he's not.