Cubs' Jeff S. on the mound next!!!

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Make no mistake----I have NOT watched an MLB game in years.......but I did read that Jeff Samardzjia--ex-WR of ND--is pitching a playoff game. Very Cool!!!! I might celebrate by watching his UNC game highlights--nice!!

BEAT the non-unc pack in the monsoon!!!!
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Make no mistake----I have NOT watched an MLB game in years.......but I did read that Jeff Samardzjia--ex-WR of ND--is pitching a playoff game. Very Cool!!!! I might celebrate by watching his UNC game highlights--nice!!

BEAT the non-unc pack in the monsoon!!!!

He plays for the enemy SanFran now ! The cubs are going to make quick work of that long haired hippy ! The 108 year streak ends this year ! Go cubs !
The Cubs need to atone for the Steve Bartman incident before they make a run on anything. Extend an olive branch, bring the poor guy back into the fold, and go into this play-off thing with clear positive waves.
The Cubs need to atone for the Steve Bartman incident before they make a run on anything. Extend an olive branch, bring the poor guy back into the fold, and go into this play-off thing with clear positive waves.
Nope. Sit him next to the goat at Sam's until it is over.
OK. Steve Bartman didn't cause the Cubs to lose the series. Dusty Baker should have gone out to the mound to settle down Mark Prior when Prior became upset because Alou got upset. There is no proof that Alou would have caught the ball. Other fans were reaching for the ball too. A routine double play error by Cubs SS, Alex Gonzales, would have ended the ill fated inning before any damage was done. The Cubs had the next evening at home to regroup and win the series. See how easy it is to answer a question when you are factually confident with your answer. I can do this all day so keep it up.
Make no mistake----I have NOT watched an MLB game in years.......but I did read that Jeff Samardzjia--ex-WR of ND--is pitching a playoff game. Very Cool!!!! I might celebrate by watching his UNC game highlights--nice!!

BEAT the non-unc pack in the monsoon!!!!

Oops......though I am for the CUBS!!!