His team won 2 straight against SEC teams. He is doing a good job at Vandy. Great to see.
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Didn’t Elko leave for more money?
Actually 3. Nick Lezynski is LB coach at VandyND has two out there, with Duke and Vandy. Nice to see that people who left for the right reasons are successful and represent the brand.
"ND has two out there, with Duke and Vandy."ND has two out there, with Duke and Vandy. Nice to see that people who left for the right reasons are successful and represent the brand.
That’s the main reason anyone would go to College Station. Including players.Didn’t Elko leave for more money?
It's one thing when a coach gets an advancement. But when he leaves to take the same job at a different school, not so much.I never understand the hate when ND loses players to the draft or coaches who leave for more money/better opportunity elsewhere.