
What's wrong with Cal? Great school, in a nice place with great weather and the kid will have every opportunity to make it to the NFL (which is his stated goal) much like J.Goff, D. Jackson, A. Rogers, M. Lynch and many other Cal players as well.

Maybe D-Rob isn't an "RKG", but I see nothing wrong with his choice of school.
Kids like this are just GOOF BALLS........will never be RKG's. Recruit MEN that LOVE Notre Dame!!!!!!

What's wrong with going to CAL(other than it's overt liberal leanings)? Football wise, I'm pretty sure that Goff doesn't regret his decision?

Addendum: I actually love the fact that the GA and GA Tech turds that for some reason chose to repeatedly post on this site in an attempt to sell their schools to ND fans go home empty handed.
Clearly the young man wanted to be on the West coast. His first choice Stanford must be a no go, so he chose Cal. It's a good school, but for a midwest guy I really hated the people at the bars that I met up there. It was left of left and I voted for Obama in 08.
Wow. I am surprised, but happy for D-Rob. Cal while it's not a football powerhouse is a great place. Beautiful location just right outside of San Francisco with a very diverse and open minded population. Cal is usually among the top ranked public universities in the U.S. and the program is showing signs of improvement. As long as he's focused and doesn't get homesick he should do well there.
Let's temper our indignation and realize two key recruiting losses are probably out of our hair anyway
What's wrong with Cal? Great school, in a nice place with great weather and the kid will have every opportunity to make it to the NFL (which is his stated goal) much like J.Goff, D. Jackson, A. Rogers, M. Lynch and many other Cal players as well.

Maybe D-Rob isn't an "RKG", but I see nothing wrong with his choice of school.

Cal is a great school in general but it is a terrible school for athletes, especially for football players. Their most recent graduation rate for football players was 52% which was actually up 8% from the previous reporting period. I've heard people say you can get a great education at any university but that's really up to the individual. An individual's effort to excel really doesn't say much about the institution he attends. You can, however, judge a school's commitment to all of its students and student-athletes by looking at its graduation rates. Cal is not nearly as committed to its student athletes as most other FBS schools are let alone compared to ND.

Obviously, every kid has a right to choose whatever school he wants to go to for whatever reason, but D Rob stressed academics as being important. Going to a football program that only graduates half of its kids does not coincide with academics being a priority. In the end, that's fine too. If the main reason he wants to go to Cal is the location and specifically the weather that's OK, and ordinarily I wouldn't begrudge a kid for choosing another school for any reason, but right after he announced for Cal he and his brother said, "this isn't over." They expect Kirby Smart and Georgia to continue to pursue him and they are open to changing their minds. Considering he dragged this process out a lot longer than he needed to and the fact that Cal is now on the hook for (minor) recruiting violations if he backs out of his verbal commitment, I think it reflects very poorly on the young man to go through all of these theatrics and still essentially say, "but don't keep me to my word."

D Rob is a great athlete but I really think we dodged a bullet on this one.
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yes cal. cal was the best place for him so he could get away from his family trying to pull him in all different directions and plus he needed to get away from the constant pressure and hounding that he was getting from sec fans down there in the south. good luck to the young man on a good life on and off the field
Wow. I am surprised, but happy for D-Rob. Cal while it's not a football powerhouse is a great place. Beautiful location just right outside of San Francisco with a very diverse and open minded population. Cal is usually among the top ranked public universities in the U.S. and the program is showing signs of improvement. As long as he's focused and doesn't get homesick he should do well there.

I'm really confused about the open minded comment. It is actually quite the opposite there. It's literally a bunch of kids trying to compete on who can be more liberal. It's one giant safe space.
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I'm really confused about the open minded comment. It is actually quite the opposite there. It's literally a bunch of kids trying to compete on who can be more liberal. It's one giant safe space.

sooo....he must be a bernie lover too........good riddance! RKG's Welcome at ND!!!
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there is a video floating around all over the place from youtube where UGA fan is in his sports room with a video cam in his hand shouting and just throwing a massive hell rage at Robertson for not choosing UGA. perfect example of why he needed to choose a place as far away from home as possible because of idiot sec fans like this guy
but, he did jerk a lot of people around. And he was at UGA Sat nite. And pisters on TOS are saying he did get a free ride for Sis out of UGA! Et tu !
and, as I pointed out: this is NOT over. Both Carlos and DRob said so in veiled words.
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Stayed true to his words that education was important. I look forward to watching him play both times he is on TV the next four years before 10
I'm really confused about the open minded comment. It is actually quite the opposite there. It's literally a bunch of kids trying to compete on who can be more liberal. It's one giant safe space.
My guess as to why you didn't have a good experience is that you were too conservative for that campus/environment. You comment in a earlier post that you "hated the people at the bars" there. With that said, of course you wouldn't be accepted or well liked there. Or any place for that matter. You can't reason with a person that hates you, as you said you did. And voting for Obama doesn't at all make you a liberal. It just means you liked him more than the other guy. You're right that a lot of these kids are trying to be as liberal as possible and I'm not saying I agree with them. I come from a predominatly Republican family and am mixed when it comes to my political views. But instead of hating the people or their ideas/views, I work to approach them with a sense of curiosity and try to understand their perspectives and hope they reciprocate that. Most of the time, it ends up being a good experience, as the conversations remain open minded and full of meaningful dialogue. And while disagreement still occurs, I appreciate that they will continue to respect me and my views. I'm not telling you to be as liberal as them, but maybe if you had approached them with curousity instead of hate, your experience would have been better.
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the funny thing about him choosing cal is that Stanford now has to deal with him for three or four years. the word around various message boards the past several months was that stanford was doing everything they could to try and keep him from being irish just so they wouldn't have to play against him and now he chooses to play for there top rival on the field
I'm really confused about the open minded comment. It is actually quite the opposite there. It's literally a bunch of kids trying to compete on who can be more liberal. It's one giant safe space.

Why are you complaining about liberalism when you voted for the most far left liberal President ever in Barack Hussein Obama?
My guess as to why you didn't have a good experience is that you were too conservative for that campus/environment. You comment in a earlier post that you "hated the people at the bars" there. With that said, of course you wouldn't be accepted or well liked there. Or any place for that matter. You can't reason with a person that hates you, as you said you did. And voting for Obama doesn't at all make you a liberal. It just means you liked him more than the other guy. You're right that a lot of these kids are trying to be as liberal as possible and I'm not saying I agree with them. I come from a predominatly Republican family and am mixed when it comes to my political views. But instead of hating the people or their ideas/views, I work to approach them with a sense of curiosity and try to understand their perspectives and hope they reciprocate that. Most of the time, it ends up being a good experience, as the conversations remain open minded and full of meaningful dialogue. And while disagreement still occurs, I appreciate that they will continue to respect me and my views. I'm not telling you to be as liberal as them, but maybe if you had approached them with curousity instead of hate, your experience would have been better.
I never met a moderate who voted for Obama,maybe Colon( I know) Powell, but that was a racial solidarity thing.
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If I was an elite football recruit I would have to strongly consider a small campus setting. That is why I would be a solid verbal to Loras College of Dubuque, Iowa. The NFL would find me if I was good enough. That announcement would shock the world and I would be a happy college student athlete.
i thought i read on another board that him or his bro was talking about still listening to Smart if he calls or something like that. I was like "end this!!!!!!!" but part of me secretly wants this to continue now that ND is out of it, just for s**ts and giggles.
yes D_Master. from what i'm reading it doesn't seem like his brother is happy about the decision made. read where he told a writer that he doesn't think this is over and that he thinks coach smart will continue to recruit his younger brother. been following recruiting for over twenty years and haven't seen anything quite this crazy when it comes to a kid choosing a school
he didn't sign any papers while announcing his decision at the hall of fame in downtown Atlanta this past weekend and so who knows when this will officially end. wouldn't surprise me one bit if he decided at the last minute to take new visits to check out the Michigan wolverines, buckeyes or some other schools with the way his recruitment has gone

he can skip all the way to the first day of classes; even probably a couple weeks into the semester!
Until his butt is in a seat in a classroom for a class he registered in, he is 'uncommitted' in the commitment sense!

Of course the school has no obligation to him either.
First as to football, I don't understand his decision. I realize that ND isn't the right place for everyone but from a pure football standpoint, as a receiver, he would be much better off with ND's bullpen of QBs than Cal's. We have 2 very good QBs with starting experience. We also have 2 more solid QBs backing them up. Cal lost Goff and will be starting a new, inexperienced QB.

As to the political ignorance spouted on this Board, Cal does have "over Left leanings" and that is not a bad thing. College is where kids should be exposed to a broad range of political beliefs so that they can make their own choices based upon what they've learned.

BGI 348, why is being a "Bernie Lover" an insult? You may disagree with his political beliefs but the guy is honest and sincere, something that can't be said for most of the other candidates, i.e., Cruz, Trump, Hilary, etc.

Bod, do some research. Obama is far from the most "far left liberal president ever." Check out the records of FDR and LBJ. Obama is a liberal and as much as you will hate to hear it, has done some great things. Opening up Cuba was something that should have been done 30+ years ago. Getting a start on universal healthcare is something that is also well past due. Whether liberal or not, the economy is in the best shape it has been since Clinton. Obama will not go down as a great president but he certainly won't go down as a bad president like W., Carter, etc.

Artemis Gordon, your statement regarding Colin Powell supporting Obama being a "racial solidarity thing" was pure racism. I am a moderate and voted for Obama both times, not out of racial solidarity or racial guilt but because I believed he was the best candidate on the ticket.

Maybe its time for the moderators to start getting active and trying to limit this Board to football discussions, something at least a few posters know about.
I'm really confused about the open minded comment. It is actually quite the opposite there. It's literally a bunch of kids trying to compete on who can be more liberal. It's one giant safe space.
Maybe he should have gone to a school where they chase pregnant girls around with coat hangers. D&ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
College is where kids should be exposed to a broad range of political beliefs so that they can make their own choices based upon what they've learned.
Except that the new trend in college is to silence and suppress anything but liberal thought. The kids aren't mature enough to recognize the irony.
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you need to know something? ask a young person, they know everything there is to know!
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What sucks to me is ND losing out to Cal. He went away ... much further then I thought he would considering his family was a bit torn about his destination. I think he would have been a great player for ND . At least USC didn't get him.
ND will send out, to the field, a very talented player; to beat the dead horse, this was not an elite DT or DE which are the positions of need!

(note, he is way behind the other rooks and that would make his '16 contribution minimal; and clearly he has sights set on things other than the college experience; my perspsctive, this was a lot of effort/ drama for at best a 2 yr limited role player)
not so sure about that pers. I agree that the players on campus are more experienced but this kid is talented. I do think tis guy would have made an impact as a KR as well. Right now Adams and Williams back there. Not something u want . I also think McKinley will play right away and he will be a true frosh. ND WR position is good but still not established enough to say a true frosh won't get a chance.
I think if he had been aboard and invested in the program from spring, instead of continuing his recruitment, then he would have seen PT of limited situation; however he is not involved in any program as now.
If Sanders gets healthy he is a ST threat. plus, lets face it, ND ST's are not gonna knock anyones socks off; whatever the reason. Till things change they will remain the same!
Agree with the opinion that Robinson seems to want to be far away from the pressure of his family and SEC centric fans.
Disagree about Cal being a bad football fit. They threw the ball 75% of the time with JG as their QB, and expect the offense to continue to be very pass oriented.
Cal offers a great education, but the culture could not be more different than Stanford, and it's interesting to me that Robinson was strongly attracted to both.
To argue that Cal is anything less than a left oriented social and educational institution is silly. Open dialogue and respect and interest in opinions other than the stuff of super liberal social justice ideologues are college values that have been absent at Cal for several decades.
FDR and LBJ were more successful implementing their liberal agendas, but that doesn't mean they were more liberal than Obama.
Being a fiscal conservative and social moderate, I voted for Obama the first time because I felt McCain demonstrated horrible judgement selecting Palin as a running mate, and voted for Romney the second time around, and regret like hell that he wasn't found worthy by the majority of voters.
Agree that opening relations with Cuba was past due, but not thirty plus years. They were exporting revolution and fighters throughout Africa and South America at that time, and crippling their economy put the brakes on this.
Saying the economy is better than at any time since Clinton is just flat out wrong, unless you define seventy plus consecutive months of job growth at a rate lower than what is needed to meet needs as a net positive. The number of unemployed added to the number underemployed added to the number who have simply given up looking for work is a staggering indictment of the weakest economic recovery in modern times.
As for Robinson's decision, I say good for him and wish him well.
Agree with the opinion that Robinson seems to want to be far away from the pressure of his family and SEC centric fans.
Disagree about Cal being a bad football fit. They threw the ball 75% of the time with JG as their QB, and expect the offense to continue to be very pass oriented.
Cal offers a great education, but the culture could not be more different than Stanford, and it's interesting to me that Robinson was strongly attracted to both.
To argue that Cal is anything less than a left oriented social and educational institution is silly. Open dialogue and respect and interest in opinions other than the stuff of super liberal social justice ideologues are college values that have been absent at Cal for several decades.
FDR and LBJ were more successful implementing their liberal agendas, but that doesn't mean they were more liberal than Obama.
Being a fiscal conservative and social moderate, I voted for Obama the first time because I felt McCain demonstrated horrible judgement selecting Palin as a running mate, and voted for Romney the second time around, and regret like hell that he wasn't found worthy by the majority of voters.
Agree that opening relations with Cuba was past due, but not thirty plus years. They were exporting revolution and fighters throughout Africa and South America at that time, and crippling their economy put the brakes on this.
Saying the economy is better than at any time since Clinton is just flat out wrong, unless you define seventy plus consecutive months of job growth at a rate lower than what is needed to meet needs as a net positive. The number of unemployed added to the number underemployed added to the number who have simply given up looking for work is a staggering indictment of the weakest economic recovery in modern times.
As for Robinson's decision, I say good for him and wish him well.
Social moderate? LOL.