Bleacher report...good or bad?

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
While I have been away BR & ND teamed up for a new inside look at ND FB. I have always stayed off the BR sites cause they always caused "funky" reactions to my computer. With an ND grad in charge I hope this is now gone. Reactions?
Bleacher Report is famous for poor user generated content and spam. E.g. Most of the topics there are "10 best this, 10 top that" etc. for click bait with cheap slideshows full of intrusive ads that drive up their traffic numbers/advertising dollars.

I notice ND seems to make a lot of deals with companies where the content to ad ratio is extremely one sided in general (think NBC). It's not a great look for the ND brand.

You can expect this partnership to be about as informative/insightful as the rest of these deals ND does with media companies for an "inside view of the team". It'll be a heavily censored/restrictive/controlled message by ND brass serving more as program propaganda than anything insightful.
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