Bodizephax I've posted how many times? Feb 24, 2012 10,446 3,817 113 Rikers Island (Lifer) Mar 31, 2015 #1 Hey Sal, what did you think about the last show? Slippin Jimmy and his brother Chuck rival Michael and Freydo Corleone in dysfunctional brotherhood. Don't you think?
Hey Sal, what did you think about the last show? Slippin Jimmy and his brother Chuck rival Michael and Freydo Corleone in dysfunctional brotherhood. Don't you think?
S SALittleGiant513 I've posted how many times? Nov 24, 2012 7,077 3,589 113 Mar 31, 2015 #2 Yea that is one crazy pair. A little more nuanced but just throwing your brother under the bus, grabbing him and them throwing him back under.
Yea that is one crazy pair. A little more nuanced but just throwing your brother under the bus, grabbing him and them throwing him back under.
South Bender I've posted how many times? Aug 28, 2002 5,095 487 83 Mar 31, 2015 #3 Fantastic show. Right up there with The Walking Dead, as my favorite show. I'm guessing the rift between Jimmy and Chuck is what leads to the emergence of the Saul Goodman character. Vince Gilligan is one hell of a writer.
Fantastic show. Right up there with The Walking Dead, as my favorite show. I'm guessing the rift between Jimmy and Chuck is what leads to the emergence of the Saul Goodman character. Vince Gilligan is one hell of a writer.