ND is trending downward with current targets.
the optimists will say that "win and they will come"
but, if ND wins - 10+ - Kelly's agent will be looking for an NFL HC shot
then ND will face another coaching turnover which will set recruiting back another year or two
or if ND goes 8-4 it will continue to recruit like an 8-4 team.
what is noticable is that there isn't that 1 guy on the staff aside from HH that resonates with prospects.
ND has 1 spring camp vs the frequent camps by it's geographical recruiting competition.
The staff cannot recruit without developing relationships. The kids need reassurance that they can succeed academically at ND; that they will get every possible kind of help.
The effort this session does not reflect any sort of long range plan for a future; The whole of the matter is '15 has to be "The Year" and, If Kelly bolts, ND needs the huge name HC to overcome the hole being dug!