We run power on the first TD.
Go immediately away from it.
Lead blocking Folston on Kizer keeper.
I do agree that the team never has the killer instinct to go up 3 scores.
Up 14 vs Duke. Up 10 and can never step on anyone.
While I agreed on Zaire coming in-
After a series or two- you have to realize the guy holds the ball too long and runs around like a wild horse out there.
He's not a quarterback or checked out so much he can't process a thing.
Then Kizer after being pulled starts short hopping balls and loses his footwork. Probably lost a little confidence from head coach
Jerk-O -
We lose momentum and CJ Sanders takes the ball out of the end zone to get buried inside the 10.
(On him or his return guy not telling him to stay in the endzone.
either way- stupid f'ing play.
Great defensive effort- good tacking.
Jarron Jones came back from the Future. Welcome back from 2014.
Nice to see you Big guy.
I want Kelly fired.
This Stanford team sucks.
Fix this Jack.
We want a Power running game and a Bend but don't break defense.
Get this loser Kelly out.