ALL IN for ND & BK in 2016!!!

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Yes I am posting this for all of you that want to fire our Coach after one game. Again. Sheesh....BK is recognized as one of the TOP 10 Coaches in College football and has done a terrific job at ND!!!! Given our recent coaching misses BK can stay as long as he wants to IMO. Yes I want ND to Win Out.....but so long as they play with the effort they did vs texas and get better by season end that is okay by me.


BEAT nevada!!!
I have to admit I'm a little irritated at BK and BVG right about now. Last Sunday wasn't one of their better efforts. Why did BK play for the tie with DK as our QB? Why didn't either of those two make the necessary game time adjustments to stop the 18 Wheel package? I would expect more from both of them. It's BK's job as long as he wants it, but, I got to tell you, it's also his job to get totally involved with the defense.
Yes I am posting this for all of you that want to fire our Coach after one game. Again. Sheesh....BK is recognized as one of the TOP 10 Coaches in College football and has done a terrific job at ND!!!! Given our recent coaching misses BK can stay as long as he wants to IMO. Yes I want ND to Win Out.....but so long as they play with the effort they did vs texas and get better by season end that is okay by me.


BEAT nevada!!!

no need to have a 'Top 10' coach if all you want is effort. You can save a lot of $.
348: go to the benchmark thread and give your FOOTBALL criteria to measure excellence.
Not the extraneous aspects, just related to football goals and performance.
How do you conclude thing are honky dorrie if you have no set of empirical measures to arrive at a conclusion?

You must address or evaluate the primary goal then you look at
This are factors that are influenced by how you achieved the prime objective. As currently stands ND's administration disagrees with you and they have as the mission statement a NC.

sorry friend we are on opposite sides of the aisle on this one. loyal to a fault is still a fault.
Do not think for one second that I do not want ND to win another NC...I do! Right now BK is on a track to get us back there! Why? He had us there in 2012 and came very very close in 2015. He is recruiting hard. He is running the program in the right way. He is an intense leader & competitor.

Now what he KNOWS he must do yet is recruit, coach & get his players on defense to perform at an elite level. He also needs RKG's that stay in school & play.

IMO there is no question BK is the best HC at ND since Lou......and a winner.

BEAT da puppydogs!!!
Do not think for one second that I do not want ND to win another NC...I do! Right now BK is on a track to get us back there! Why? He had us there in 2012 and came very very close in 2015. He is recruiting hard. He is running the program in the right way. He is an intense leader & competitor.

Now what he KNOWS he must do yet is recruit, coach & get his players on defense to perform at an elite level. He also needs RKG's that stay in school & play.

IMO there is no question BK is the best HC at ND since Lou......and a winner.

BEAT da puppydogs!!!

all on emotion then, no actual criteria. Well, it works for you and gives you comfort, so beit.
ND fans hold the football coaches to an exceptionally high standard. As they should. It's NC or bust ! Reality is, HCBK may get this program to the promise land,,, but he may not and that will feel ..... miserable.
Yes I am posting this for all of you that want to fire our Coach after one game. Again. Sheesh....BK is recognized as one of the TOP 10 Coaches in College football and has done a terrific job at ND!!!! Given our recent coaching misses BK can stay as long as he wants to IMO. Yes I want ND to Win Out.....but so long as they play with the effort they did vs texas and get better by season end that is okay by me.


BEAT nevada!!!

Adversity is a four letter word to many---But not to us, Coach Kelly or the Fighting Irish !! We shall overcome !! Notre Dame is going to have a great season with Deshone Kizer leading the charge !! One game will not define us !! Go Irish !! Beat the sitting Kaepernicks !! 54 to 38 !!
Adversity is a four letter word to many---But not to us, Coach Kelly or the Fighting Irish !! We shall overcome !! Notre Dame is going to have a great season with Deshone Kizer leading the charge !! One game will not define us !! Go Irish !! Beat the sitting Kaepernicks !! 54 to 38 !!
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So let's firer a coach who has the program heading in the right direction and just start all over again. Much like we did with Davie, Willingham and Weis. Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. It's clear that BVG either has to change his defense or get out of town. This defense sucks. But Kelly's offense is lights out and he has it running at top speed.
Kelly needs to work out the problems but I think he will. ND is right at the cusp of being a top 2 or 3 team yearly.
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no need to have a 'Top 10' coach if all you want is effort. You can save a lot of $.
348: go to the benchmark thread and give your FOOTBALL criteria to measure excellence.
Not the extraneous aspects, just related to football goals and performance.
How do you conclude thing are honky dorrie if you have no set of empirical measures to arrive at a conclusion?

You must address or evaluate the primary goal then you look at
This are factors that are influenced by how you achieved the prime objective. As currently stands ND's administration disagrees with you and they have as the mission statement a NC.

sorry friend we are on opposite sides of the aisle on this one. loyal to a fault is still a fault.
Dickhead alert, no doubt this ahole has no clue about college or ND
there is that phrase again "headed in the right direction'

yet when I ask how you arrive as a measure to determine that you repeat
as evidence he has the program "headed in the right direction"

who knows what kind of logic that is? we had a poster this week discuss it!

and stop and think,
htf you arrived at that conclusion? what were your criteria?
there is that phrase again "headed in the right direction'

yet when I ask how you arrive as a measure to determine that you repeat
as evidence he has the program "headed in the right direction"

who knows what kind of logic that is? we had a poster this week discuss it!

and stop and think,
htf you arrived at that conclusion? what were your criteria?

You have to think....think..... Here's the answer...ask yourself, could there have been a worse start? Answer: No. So, if it can't get worse it has to get....think....think... think....better! So, we are heading in the right direction. Simple....
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Yes I am posting this for all of you that want to fire our Coach after one game. Again. Sheesh....BK is recognized as one of the TOP 10 Coaches in College football and has done a terrific job at ND!!!! Given our recent coaching misses BK can stay as long as he wants to IMO. Yes I want ND to Win Out.....but so long as they play with the effort they did vs texas and get better by season end that is okay by me.


BEAT nevada!!!
One game?

Texas, Osu, Stanford, Clemson, Northwestern, FSU, Michigan, Tulsa, etc. don't = one game. #DelusionalFanbase
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Only the village idiot would want Coach Kelly fired. I know because I went 6 years wanting Coach Devine fired instead of appreciating him. IF ND fired him after the record he's gotten here then no decent coach would touch ND.
Exactly. That's why ND is screwed. We are stuck with this dude whether we like it or not. No one else wants this choke artist. We have to accept 8-4 for another six years. CbK has cost ND so many games that should've been wins. Now it's just a couple weeks away until Meatchicken takes over the #1 all-time win %.
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Exactly. That's why ND is screwed. We are stuck with this dude whether we like it or not. No one else wants this choke artist. We have to accept 8-4 for another six years. CbK has cost ND so many games that should've been wins. Now it's just a couple weeks away until Meatchicken takes over the #1 all-time win %.

PS on a lighter note kelly has dipped below .700
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So let's firer a coach who has the program heading in the right direction and just start all over again. Much like we did with Davie, Willingham and Weis. Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. It's clear that BVG either has to change his defense or get out of town. This defense sucks. But Kelly's offense is lights out and he has it running at top speed.
Kelly needs to work out the problems but I think he will. ND is right at the cusp of being a top 2 or 3 team yearly.
Right direction? Please don't be my usher at the MSU game. It's the same ole story every year with Kelly. WTF......
So let's firer a coach who has the program heading in the right direction and just start all over again. Much like we did with Davie, Willingham and Weis. Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. It's clear that BVG either has to change his defense or get out of town. This defense sucks. But Kelly's offense is lights out and he has it running at top speed.
Kelly needs to work out the problems but I think he will. ND is right at the cusp of being a top 2 or 3 team yearly.
If the offense is lights out why'd CBK turn the lights out and shut it down at 37-37?
Right direction? Please don't be my usher at the MSU game. It's the same ole story every year with Kelly. WTF......
Did you notice how CW left the ND program in a mess? Did you notice the 12-0 season in 2012 which brought ND a shot at a NC? Have you noticed the offense is running so smooth now? Have you noticed how people who know a hell of a lot more about college football then you do are saying ND, with one lose, still has a great chance of making to the playoffs?
end_23, life is too short to walk around being stupid

And trust me if I am your usher for the MSU game, I will treat you with respect. No need to act like a jerk like you. Welcome to Notre Dame!
That is a true statement. Urban and Harbaugh are going to crush Kelly in recruiting in the coming years.
Well they have not crushed Kelly so far.

BTW, does anything about ND make you happy? I mean some of you bitch about everything!
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I'm always 100% behind the Irish. I'm 100% behind Kelly because if he's successful then ND is successful. That said I'm not blind to the realities of the program. Sure he's taken the program up another level but it's not where I think it should be and I see nothing to suggest Kelly will win 9 or 10 games (regular season) every year. I mean in 6 years he's done it twice.
the thing is posters who repeadedly say Kelly will make decisions each year that will cost the Irish a W or inflict a L are far more accurate than inaccurate.
And if he insist there is no problem: then that would be problem #1

Identifying the problem is the 1st step in resolving the problem you know I am of the opinion that the staff in Academic Support have "failed" ND football the most in recent years. I do not think they report to BK. Further some might argue with the medical staff & trainers having "affected" ND's injury rate----is BK really responsible for those decisions/results?
No question Coaches ARE his responsibility and they need to Do More!

BEAT nv!!!
Well they have not crushed Kelly so far.

BTW, does anything about ND make you happy? I mean some of you bitch about everything!
Winning...playing fundamentally sound football......not that hard.... you know I am of the opinion that the staff in Academic Support have "failed" ND football the most in recent years. I do not think they report to BK. Further some might argue with the medical staff & trainers having "affected" ND's injury rate----is BK really responsible for those decisions/results?
No question Coaches ARE his responsibility and they need to Do More!

BEAT nv!!!

there is enough truth to that statement, that I can agree with you.