ACC teams 1/2 of the Final 8!

FSU plays at least one 1AA team each year, Notre Dame has never played a 1AA team.
So do I and I believe we should get out of the arrangement with the ACC and reinstate traditional opponents on a national schedule.
So do I and I believe we should get out of the arrangement with the ACC and reinstate traditional opponents on a national schedule.
ND has scheduled in most years 3-4 ACC teams. Any ND fan would know this. Now they have to play the top tier ACC teams occasionally instead of the normal bottom dwellers. If one looks closely enough they will see the "arrangement" with the ACC has actually resulted in an improved strength of schedule over previous arrangements.

However I'm sure Big Fella would disagree too.
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Navy is better than 80% of the ACC in most every year.

Duo is a piece of garbage and comes here like other FSU fans to hate on Notre Dame and spread his nonsense. The fact that he attacks me with a most entertaining biography is further proof of his lack of a life. If I was a graduate of Northeast Missouri State it would be far better than the grammar school who kicked you out of school for peeping on the little boys!

Subject: argus

Re...Tim Terriffic

Argusman is an internet worm hiding behind the anonymity of the net that posts under many different names and actually talks with himself (aka argusman, holy smoke, epiticus, big fella fan, tim terrific and a host of others) due to his lack of self esteem. This childish charade is foisted upon the message board by an adult man of retirement age living in South Florida in the Naples area that has an estranged daughter who attended FSU. He is a drop out of Maryville Teachers College (aka NW Missouri State) and pretends to be affiliated with Notre Dame but never attended the school. In wimpish fashion he hopes to curry favor from Notre Dame alumni through pretense and accolades. He is the pariah of Rivals, hated by all, estranged by family and has no credibility. His trademarks are poor grammar, name calling and vulgarity.

Epictitus said:
the most disrespectful thing any human being can do is:

The most disrespectful thing anyone could do to the University of Notre Dame is to go on the internet message boards posting under different aliases like argusman, holy smoke, epictitus, big fella fan, tim terrific and a host of others and even talk with himself and try to curry favor with real Notre Dame alumni and fans. His trademarks are hate, poor grammar, name calling and vulgarity. How utterly embarrassing this is for all the Notre Dame faithful.

Re... epictitus:

Argusman is an internet worm hiding behind the anonymity of the net that posts under many different names and actually talks with himself (aka argusman, holy smoke, epictitus, big fella fan, tim terrific and a host of others) due to his lack of self esteem. This childish charade is foisted upon the message board by an adult man of retirement age living in South Florida in the Naples area that has an estranged daughter who attended FSU. He is a drop out of Maryville Teachers College (aka NW Missouri State) and pretends to be affiliated with Notre Dame but never attended the school. In wimpish fashion he hopes to curry favor from Notre Dame alumni through pretense and accolades. He is the pariah of Rivals, hated by all, estranged by his daughter and family and has no credibility. His trademarks are poor grammar, name calling and vulgarity.

Please note: argus is morphing into yet another new name............."JohnOgaunt".

"Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD),[1] is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by the appearance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities"

Argusman is an internet worm hiding behind the anonymity of the net that posts under many different names and actually talks with himself (aka argusman, holy smoke, epititus, big fella fan, tim terrific,JohnOgaunt and a host of others).

argusman, holy smoke, epiticus, big fella fan, tim terrific, John Ogaunt and a host of others

Argusman went to Maryville Teacher's College (aka NW Missouri State in Maryville, Missouri). He dropped out and never graduated or received a degree. Of course, you could have guessed that just by reading his posts. All his clap-trap is a figment of his imagination as he tries to curry favor from ND graduates and fans.

Argusman's "alma mater" bwahahahaha!:

The original mission of the school, initially known as the Fifth District Normal School, was to teach elementary school teachers.

Class bell
In 1919 the school was renamed Northwest Missouri State Teacher's College. In 1949 the name was shrunk to Northwest Missouri State College. It's an alternative school for students that failed the entrance exams for the University of Missouri in Columbia.
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Duo just quit with the cut and paste posts about Argus. Sure it's against board rules and it makes you just as annoying as Argus.

By the way didn't FSU start out as West Florida Seminary and a name change, or two down the line become Florida State College for Women?
No the most disrespectful thing any human being can do is to protect those who commit crimes against women and that is what FSU and its coaches have paid out money to stop the courts from investigating.

FSU is disgusting and so are its fans who defend such behavior but the Feds are still coming to clean up the garbage tolerated for 40 years.
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