Recruiting momentum this time last year seemed a lot greater than it is currently


I've posted how many times?
Sep 8, 2007
What happened to the recruiting momentum at Notre Dame? It seems like every player we're in on is some random 3-star as opposed to the plethora of top 25/50/75/100 overall kids we were in on last year for the 2023 class.

For all of BKs faults as a recruiter, the rest of the skills he brought to the table as a head coach were elite. Marcus Freeman was supposed to keep all the stuff that worked in the BK era and then elevate the recruiting/talent acquisition with a rebuilt younger/more energized recruiting staff.

None of that is happening right now though.

Anybody have any good news im overlooking to share as it relates to the 2024 class and recruiting? And for that matter, anybody still optimistic about MFs future at Notre Dame?
I think recruiting is going okay. We do have a number of three-star DBs that I think we're recruiting, if I recall, and that won't be taken kindly to by at least some ND fans, very possibly including the OP.

I guess the OP is talking about recruiting 'momentum', which is something else, and while things are pretty good now, and our class is ranked like, 2nd overall, it could be trending downwards, and then that's not so good. So.... I guess we'll find out, right?

And damn right BK was awesome! No shit Sherlock....
What happened to the recruiting momentum at Notre Dame? It seems like every player we're in on is some random 3-star as opposed to the plethora of top 25/50/75/100 overall kids we were in on last year for the 2023 class.

For all of BKs faults as a recruiter, the rest of the skills he brought to the table as a head coach were elite. Marcus Freeman was supposed to keep all the stuff that worked in the BK era and then elevate the recruiting/talent acquisition with a rebuilt younger/more energized recruiting staff.

None of that is happening right now though.

Anybody have any good news im overlooking to share as it relates to the 2024 class and recruiting? And for that matter, anybody still optimistic about MFs future at Notre Dame?
I think recruiting is going okay. We do have a number of three-star DBs that I think we're recruiting, if I recall, and that won't be taken kindly to by at least some ND fans, very possibly including the OP.

I guess the OP is talking about recruiting 'momentum', which is something else, and while things are pretty good now, and our class is ranked like, 2nd overall, it could be trending downwards, and then that's not so good. So.... I guess we'll find out, right?

And damn right BK was awesome! No shit Sherlock....

It should be a bannable offense to mention where ND ranks in recruiting class anytime before Q4 of the year.

ND keeps a top 5 class (which means nothing until signing day) all the way up until signing day then they lose prospects to colleges who are in touch with reality in 2023 and also they lose ground when all of the 5-star elite kids finally sign at the end of the cycle and go to competing programs (because ND is too pristine to get their hands dirty and fight for elite players all the way to the finish line)
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if you have your eye’s consistently looking where you already been, then you are not looking where you are going!
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It should be a bannable offense to mention where ND ranks in recruiting class anytime before Q4 of the year.
Really, bannable? That seems harsh. I don't know, I don't even consider this a football message board anymore. This is a just a place for a bunch of dudes, nominally ND football fans or sports fans, where they can come and engage in a bit of territorial pissing of some sort. It just has to be framed in a football context, but the subject matter is really immaterial. For you, it's recruiting. But it's not really about recruiting. Think of it more like wolves howling on a moonlight night. Or the plaintive songs of whales as they swim in the murky depths.

Whenever someone's complaining or lamenting something, that's all I get out of it. The actual football-related specifics of your gripes barely even register with me by now....
What happened to the recruiting momentum at Notre Dame? It seems like every player we're in on is some random 3-star as opposed to the plethora of top 25/50/75/100 overall kids we were in on last year for the 2023 class.

For all of BKs faults as a recruiter, the rest of the skills he brought to the table as a head coach were elite. Marcus Freeman was supposed to keep all the stuff that worked in the BK era and then elevate the recruiting/talent acquisition with a rebuilt younger/more energized recruiting staff.

None of that is happening right now though.

Anybody have any good news im overlooking to share as it relates to the 2024 class and recruiting? And for that matter, anybody still optimistic about MFs future at Notre Dame?

Is there ever a day when you don't complain about something at ND?
Really, bannable? That seems harsh. I don't know, I don't even consider this a football message board anymore. This is a just a place for a bunch of dudes, nominally ND football fans or sports fans, where they can come and engage in a bit of territorial pissing of some sort. It just has to be framed in a football context, but the subject matter is really immaterial. For you, it's recruiting. But it's not really about recruiting. Think of it more like wolves howling on a moonlight night. Or the plaintive songs of whales as they swim in the murky depths.

Whenever someone's complaining or lamenting something, that's all I get out of it. The actual football-related specifics of your gripes barely even register with me by now....
This is your magnum opus … you have perfectly summed up what happens here.
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It should be a bannable offense to mention where ND ranks in recruiting class anytime before Q4 of the year.

ND keeps a top 5 class (which means nothing until signing day) all the way up until signing day then they lose prospects to colleges who are in touch with reality in 2023 and also they lose ground when all of the 5-star elite kids finally sign at the end of the cycle and go to competing programs (because ND is too pristine to get their hands dirty and fight for elite players all the way to the finish line)
So you start a post about recruiting momentum, then argue that posters can’t quote rankings…the irony
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I know we dont have any moderators here--and based on how poorly most boards are moderated--that isn't necessarily a bad thing but let me redirect the conversation back on topic:

To those that follow recruiting all year long how is ND looking in 2024 relative to 2023 right now? From personal/gut it feels like recruiting is nowhere near as hot right now as it was last year. Does anybody have any information to the contrary?

And if recruiting isn't trending up, what in the hell are we doing employing this ultra-green head coach with little to no P5 experience? If he's not going to move the needle on the talent side of the equation what is he bringing to the table--besides a lower salary--that makes him more employable than all of the competing head coaches out there?
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What happened to the recruiting momentum at Notre Dame? It seems like every player we're in on is some random 3-star as opposed to the plethora of top 25/50/75/100 overall kids we were in on last year for the 2023 class.

For all of BKs faults as a recruiter, the rest of the skills he brought to the table as a head coach were elite. Marcus Freeman was supposed to keep all the stuff that worked in the BK era and then elevate the recruiting/talent acquisition with a rebuilt younger/more energized recruiting staff.

None of that is happening right now though.

Anybody have any good news im overlooking to share as it relates to the 2024 class and recruiting? And for that matter, anybody still optimistic about MFs future at Notre Dame?

And the good news is we basically already have 2 five stars and in good position with a 3rd
A lot of these 3 stars ND is offering have a chance for their stock to go up. Moore already jumped. Right now there might not be any 5 stars but depending on whether ND can get a Matt Luke or not as O line coach, he could possibly bring in a Guery Lambert. Carr could rise more at QB. Cam Williams is very good. The front seven on D doesn't look at getting any elite unless they can sway Scott. Yet there many good DE and DL that they are trying to get on campus. Moore and Hobbs are good and they will take 1 more at CB. Safety will need some numbers wiih quality. ND needs 3 great wrs to give more depth to the position. I think Aeneyas Williams and a kid like Dupree would be adequate additions at Rb considering ND has Diggs,Estime,Price,Payne,Love already. One of Diggs or Estime might go pro if they have an outstanding season. TE needs a top level guy to compliment Larsen. There are some intriguing players at DE and DL that are considered 3-low four stars at the moment but that could change. Unless ND gets very serious about getting NIL involved it's gonna be tough to get many high 5 stars. I doubt ND would've pulled in a Tuitt and Lynch if it had existed back then. Until it gets somewhat competitive, it's gonna be a battle.
A lot of these 3 stars ND is offering have a chance for their stock to go up.
I appreciate your on topic response. I do have a problem with this line right here though; and im pointing it out not to put you down/insult you but to draw attention to the ND spin machine.

Anytime ND is not getting the job done, it doesn't come with a course-change in strategy or some new investments for a better product, or any other way to materially improve the outlook of the organization, it comes with PR & spin instead.

"ND is not recruiting like Bama, OSU, Georgia, etc. but...."
"ND is signing a lot of average talent but..."
"ND doesn't have the talent of but..."
"ND isn't winning anything of note but..."
"ND lost its best coaches to the SEC but...."

etc. etc. etc.

take out all the "buts" and we're finally speaking factually and honestly around here
I know we dont have any moderators here--and based on how poorly most boards are moderated--that isn't necessarily a bad thing but let me redirect the conversation back on topic:

To those that follow recruiting all year long how is ND looking in 2024 relative to 2023 right now? From personal/gut it feels like recruiting is nowhere near as hot right now as it was last year. Does anybody have any information to the contrary?

And if recruiting isn't trending up, what in the hell are we doing employing this ultra-green head coach with little to no P5 experience? If he's not going to move the needle on the talent side of the equation what is he bringing to the table that makes him more employable than all of the competing head coaches out there?
I know we dont have any moderators here--and based on how poorly most boards are moderated--that isn't necessarily a bad thing but let me redirect the conversation back on topic:

To those that follow recruiting all year long how is ND looking in 2024 relative to 2023 right now? From personal/gut it feels like recruiting is nowhere near as hot right now as it was last year. Does anybody have any information to the contrary?

And if recruiting isn't trending up, what in the hell are we doing employing this ultra-green head coach with little to no P5 experience? If he's not going to move the needle on the talent side of the equation what is he bringing to the table--besides a lower salary--that makes him more employable than all of the competing head coaches out there?
Chase, given that in your other post you wrote ND off as a failed program, the new Army, I'll take:

#2 ranked class
Top 5 QB (maybe the best in the country) and Top 10 WR (underrated)
And a lot of solid players in positions of need

Given the recent chaos that ensued when Tommy left, I'm pretty happy that:

  1. Commits have stayed ND
  2. Targets continue to have ND in their final five
  3. A lot of great new offers have gone out
  4. Despite the distraction ND continues to be a school of interest for a lot of great recruits.
  5. We have definitely upped the ante recruiting-wise with Parker, Gino and the soon to be announced OL coach -- that was not Harry or Tommy's strength.
We've all just been a little distracted. Freeman will bring us back!
Also -- I've come to realize that (with so many transfers) the "team recruiting rank #" will have less impact. I believe ND recruits are at ND to play football and get a first class degree. That implies that as a whole (and no, I haven't done the research) ND recruits will stick, and stick longer, for the 4th and 5th year (when HS rankings start to mean less.) ND's average recruit rating for '23 was #6 (and had the highest average since 2013!!! That is ten years!) -- I believe it is a better determinant for long term success. Marcus is putting together the two strongest years of the last ten. '24 is currently at 3.88!

So, I just don't see the downward trend.
Chase, given that in your other post you wrote ND off as a failed program, the new Army, I'll take:
I've never wrote ND off as a failed program, i've never said ND is the new army. how do you expect me to give you the benefit of the doubt on any of your other information when you are misleading/misrepresenting here?

Also, lol @ #2 ranked class, wasn't ND the #1 ranked class all through the spring/fall/summer of 2022? They finished 10th (which is the same story for much of the last 6-8 years).

Their class ranking means dickie mcgeezaks this time of year.
I know we dont have any moderators here--and based on how poorly most boards are moderated--that isn't necessarily a bad thing but let me redirect the conversation back on topic:

To those that follow recruiting all year long how is ND looking in 2024 relative to 2023 right now? From personal/gut it feels like recruiting is nowhere near as hot right now as it was last year. Does anybody have any information to the contrary?

And if recruiting isn't trending up, what in the hell are we doing employing this ultra-green head coach with little to no P5 experience? If he's not going to move the needle on the talent side of the equation what is he bringing to the table--besides a lower salary--that makes him more employable than all of the competing head coaches out there?
I’d argue that, given the portal, much of which gets fed by NIL, a new and BROADER TERM is needed that measures a team’s overall TALENT RANKING.

Using random numbers, a #10 recruiting rank for ND today is NOT the same as a #10 rank was, say, in 2018 in that, IN ORDER TO GET THE TOTAL PICTURE, you also now have to factor in ND’s current PORTAL RANK which as listed on one of the other sites, is currently A PEDESTRIAN #35, one below BC.

If it were me, the future METRICS APPROACH I’d want as an EVALUATOR would not only combine recruiting and portal rankings, but also NET OUT PLAYER DEPARTURES – and not only ones lost through the PORTAL, but to GRADUATION AS WELL with the aim of coming up with an overall STRENGTH OF ROSTER SCORE PER ANNUM.

To me, not a bad DASHBOARD.

And, yes, one can still track recruiting, and it certainly still remains VITAL, but at the same time, it HAS become a SUBSET in that it doesn’t tell THE WHOLE STORY.

If the ultimate purpose of talent acquisition is to PUT AS MUCH OF IT ON THE FIELD AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, isn’t the best metric the one that tells you JUST HOW VIABLE A VALUE PROPOSITION YOU HAVE BASED ON YOUR OVERALL TALENT INPUTS AND DEPARTURES?

Like with everything else today, most people want INSTANT RESULTS, even if you’re a school that once fielded the country’s preeminent football team but in recent years continues TO DO ONLY SO MUCH to end its 35-year NC DROUGHT.

But the fact is, long-term a) personnel projections and b) player development are no longer the only games in town. What now matters at least as much is – WHICH GREAT PLAYERS CAN YOU GET RIGHT NOW WHO ARE GIFTED, BATTLE-TESTED AND READY TO GO?

And from the looks of it, CU, OU, USC, LSU and FSU, to name just a few – ARE DOING EXACTLY THAT. And MUCH MORE EFFECTIVELY than ND given its current policies.

As for Freeman, my fear is that he's been cast as the THE MAN OF LA MANCHA. There are now STRUCTURAL FORCES at work in CFB that may make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for ND to run with already strong programs now PORTAL-GORGING AS WELL.

Freeman or no Freeman.
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I've never wrote ND off as a failed program, i've never said ND is the new army. how do you expect me to give you the benefit of the doubt on any of your other information when you are misleading/misrepresenting here?

Also, lol @ #2 ranked class, wasn't ND the #1 ranked class all through the spring/fall/summer of 2022? They finished 10th (which is the same story for much of the last 6-8 years).

Their class ranking means dickie mcgeezaks this time of year.
And yet you started a thread about just that….lmao. Your bulb needs replacing . If rankings are meaningless at this time, then why are you trying to push a narrative that recruiting is down “at this time”
If rankings are meaningless at this time, then why are you trying to push a narrative that recruiting is down “at this time”
There's a bit of nuance here that you are missing. Try better next time.

I’d argue that, given the portal, much of which gets fed by NIL, a new and BROADER TERM is needed that measures a team’s overall TALENT RANKING.
I agree with a lot of your post, but wanted to point out that there's already a composite talent ranking. It gets updated at the start of the new football season and throughout the season until bowl-season starts.

This talent-ranking takes the recruiting rankings of all players on the 85 man roster on every FBS team and then compares them and updates throughout the season to account for defections/suspensions/transfers.

Anyway, ND was #10 in team talent last year as of 12/04/22: which is pretty much par for the course for much of the last decade. #10 doesn't look bad, but when you see how much further ahead the tier 1 teams are in talent, it paints a pretty bleak picture in terms of NDs playoff/national title outlook.

Recruiting has improved slightly in recent years (since around the time Freeman came on board as DC) but ND has been getting beat really badly on the transfer portal so the slight uptick in recruiting trail success has been negated by NDs relatively poor transfer-portal utilization.
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There's a bit of nuance here that you are missing. Try better next time.

I agree with a lot of your post, but wanted to point out that there's already a composite talent ranking. It gets updated at the start of the new football season and throughout the season until bowl-season starts.

This talent-ranking takes the recruiting rankings of all players on the 85 man roster on every FBS team and then compares them and updates throughout the season to account for defections/suspensions/transfers.

Anyway, ND was #10 in team talent last year: which is pretty much par for the course for much of the last decade. #10 doesn't look too bad, but when you see how much further ahead the tier 1 teams are in talent, it paints a pretty bleak picture in terms of ND national title outlook.

Recruiting has improved slightly in recent years (since around the time Freeman came on board as DC) but ND has been getting beat really badly on the transfer portal so the slight uptick in recruiting trail success has been negated by NDs relatively poor transfer-portal utilization.
I see. And that's well and good.

But my scoring system would also net out graduates not just transfers out, so as to present THE ULTIMATELY INCLUSIVE talent evaluation on a real time basis and as compared to previous years.

Is it not just as much about who's leaving as it is about those coming in? And irrespective of whether or not player losses occur through the Portal or through graduation?

So many assumptions are made about people coming in while almost no consideration is given to whom they're replacing in the ordinary course of events. But there's GENUINE POTENTIAL DIFFERENTIAL there in either direction.

Or there may be no APPRECIABLE DIFFERENTIAL AT ALL, in which case a program simply HOLDS SERVE, all things being equal on the Portal front.

As to your other point, I'm in more or less alignment with it. Specifically, I don't see Freeman making enough of a recruiting impact to overcome either a) the recruiting hauls of the most elite programs or b) THE ADDED PERSONNEL ADVANTAGE that the portal is providing to already STRONG TEAMS.

This reminds me a lot -- and I remember it cleary -- of when the Big Ten caught up to ND during the 50's when it started recruiting the EXCELLENT BLACK PLAYERS from the South who weren't allowed to play on segregated SOUTHERN TEAMS.

That shift knocked ND on its heels for awhile until it adjusted under Parseghian and later began increasing the number of black athletes it recruited itself.

But if NIL and the Portal reamain set up as currently, I don't see how ND, without CHANGING ITS STRIPES, can make a SIMILAR ADJUSTMENT.

For example, if USC keeps bringing in transfer talent the way it appears that they're trending, what are the odds ND will continue to DOMINATE THEM? In fact, that domination may have ended with last year's game.

It's certainly PLAUSIBLE.
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I’d argue that, given the portal, much of which gets fed by NIL, a new and BROADER TERM is needed that measures a team’s overall TALENT RANKING.

Using random numbers, a #10 recruiting rank for ND today is NOT the same as a #10 rank was, say, in 2018 in that, IN ORDER TO GET THE TOTAL PICTURE, you also now have to factor in ND’s current PORTAL RANK which as listed on one of the other sites, is currently A PEDESTRIAN #35, one below BC.

If it were me, the future METRICS APPROACH I’d want as an EVALUATOR would not only combine recruiting and portal rankings, but also NET OUT PLAYER DEPARTURES – and not only ones lost through the PORTAL, but to GRADUATION AS WELL with the aim of coming up with an overall STRENGTH OF ROSTER SCORE PER ANNUM.

To me, not a bad DASHBOARD.

And, yes, one can still track recruiting, and it certainly still remains VITAL, but at the same time, it HAS become a SUBSET in that it doesn’t tell THE WHOLE STORY.

If the ultimate purpose of talent acquisition is to PUT AS MUCH OF IT ON THE FIELD AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, isn’t the best metric the one that tells you JUST HOW VIABLE A VALUE PROPOSITION YOU HAVE BASED ON YOUR OVERALL TALENT INPUTS AND DEPARTURES?

Like with everything else today, most people want INSTANT RESULTS, even if you’re a school that once fielded the country’s preeminent football team but in recent years continues TO DO ONLY SO MUCH to end its 35-year NC DROUGHT.

But the fact is, long-term a) personnel projections and b) player development are no longer the only games in town. What now matters at least as much is – WHICH GREAT PLAYERS CAN YOU GET RIGHT NOW WHO ARE GIFTED, BATTLE-TESTED AND READY TO GO?

And from the looks of it, CU, OU, USC, LSU and FSU, to name just a few – ARE DOING EXACTLY THAT. And MUCH MORE EFFECTIVELY than ND given its current policies.

As for Freeman, my fear is that he's been cast as the THE MAN OF LA MANCHA. There are now STRUCTURAL FORCES at work in CFB that may make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for ND to run with already strong programs now PORTAL-GORGING AS WELL.

Freeman or no Freeman.
the decision as pertains the portal:recruiting class is experience known quality vs a potential star. I think for OL you might go with experience but for skill prospects you look to recruiting. There has to be a balance.
But Rees can’t recruit and Freeman is the best there is remember. Also, War Daddy has the kids elated.

Ps. The Carr’s said they’re still processing the changes at ND. Freeman promised CJ that if Rees left, they’d bring in the best OC. That was clearly a lie. I really hope he comes around but his lack of energy the past couple of weeks from a kid that was very vocal on a daily basis on social media since his commitment is concerning. He did get some pep in his step and started tweeting when he thought it was Ludwig, but that ended the day we learned the truth. He’s been mum about anything ND since the Parker hire. Can’t blame the kid. He will likely win a Heisman and a NC at Bama. Rees is going to get him to Bama at the end of the day and War Daddy will be hunting a 3 star replacement before we know it. Thank God Rees got Hartman and Minchey to save our asses.
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But Rees can’t recruit and Freeman is the best there is remember. Also, War Daddy has the kids elated.

Ps. The Carr’s said they’re still processing the changes at ND. Freeman promised CJ that if Rees left, they’d bring in the best OC. That was clearly a lie. I really hope he comes around but his lack of energy the past couple of weeks from a kid that was very vocal on a daily basis on social media since his commitment is concerning. He did get some pep in his step and started tweeting when he thought it was Ludwig, but that ended the day we learned the truth. He’s been mum about anything ND since the Parker hire. Can’t blame the kid. He will likely win a Heisman and a NC at Bama. Rees is going to get him to Bama at the end of the day and War Daddy will be hunting a 3 star replacement before we know it. Thank God Rees got Hartman and Minchey to save our asses.
And more drama
But Rees can’t recruit and Freeman is the best there is remember. Also, War Daddy has the kids elated.

Ps. The Carr’s said they’re still processing the changes at ND. Freeman promised CJ that if Rees left, they’d bring in the best OC. That was clearly a lie. I really hope he comes around but his lack of energy the past couple of weeks from a kid that was very vocal on a daily basis on social media since his commitment is concerning. He did get some pep in his step and started tweeting when he thought it was Ludwig, but that ended the day we learned the truth. He’s been mum about anything ND since the Parker hire. Can’t blame the kid. He will likely win a Heisman and a NC at Bama. Rees is going to get him to Bama at the end of the day and War Daddy will be hunting a 3 star replacement before we know it. Thank God Rees got Hartman and Minchey to save our asses.
Did you get beat up a lot in elementary school?
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What happened to the recruiting momentum at Notre Dame? It seems like every player we're in on is some random 3-star as opposed to the plethora of top 25/50/75/100 overall kids we were in on last year for the 2023 class.

For all of BKs faults as a recruiter, the rest of the skills he brought to the table as a head coach were elite. Marcus Freeman was supposed to keep all the stuff that worked in the BK era and then elevate the recruiting/talent acquisition with a rebuilt younger/more energized recruiting staff.

None of that is happening right now though.

Anybody have any good news im overlooking to share as it relates to the 2024 class and recruiting? And for that matter, anybody still optimistic about MFs future at Notre Dame?
Freeman was just riding on the wings of BKs recruiting prowess. We’ve regressed in recruiting since BK. Freeman has yet to land a class as good as BK and he’s yet to land a composite five star. Sneed was technically still BKs class whether Golson says so or not.
But Rees can’t recruit and Freeman is the best there is remember. Also, War Daddy has the kids elated.

Ps. The Carr’s said they’re still processing the changes at ND. Freeman promised CJ that if Rees left, they’d bring in the best OC. That was clearly a lie. I really hope he comes around but his lack of energy the past couple of weeks from a kid that was very vocal on a daily basis on social media since his commitment is concerning. He did get some pep in his step and started tweeting when he thought it was Ludwig, but that ended the day we learned the truth. He’s been mum about anything ND since the Parker hire. Can’t blame the kid. He will likely win a Heisman and a NC at Bama. Rees is going to get him to Bama at the end of the day and War Daddy will be hunting a 3 star replacement before we know it. Thank God Rees got Hartman and Minchey to save our asses.
Who would you trust your career to?

Marcus Freeman, Gerard Parker, and Gino G or Nick Saban and Tommy Rees? You are right I don't blame him
Freeman was just riding on the wings of BKs recruiting prowess. We’ve regressed in recruiting since BK. Freeman has yet to land a class as good as BK and he’s yet to land a composite five star. Sneed was technically still BKs class whether Golson says so or not.
After all the losses down the stretch in the recruiting season last year and then the failure to hire a better OC I got to admit it has really dampened a lot of the excitement and future outlook of this program.

I really hope Notre Dame knows what it's doing pinching pennies instead of opening up the pocketbook to bring in talent both players through nil and coaches now

Maybe Jack swarbrick is the new Billy Beane and he's exploiting the new market inefficiency in college football by letting competitors pick away all of Notre Dame's talent like meat on a bone 😂
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After all the losses down the stretch in the recruiting season last year and then the failure to hire a better OC I got to admit it has really dampened a lot of the excitement and future outlook of this program.

I really hope Notre Dame knows what it's doing pinching pennies instead of opening up the pocketbook to bring in talent both players through nil and coaches now

Maybe Jack swarbrick is the new Billy Bean and he's on this new market efficiency to exploit where she just lets the rest of the country pick off his talent like vultures while he sits on his hands and mutters some BS about Notre Dame student athletes and the ND mission lol this administration is so naive and out of touch with reality

Once again, I advise you that you need to find another school to pull for. ND is not going to "open up the pocketbook to bring in talent both players through nil and coaches now." If you think ND is going to do this, you are deceiving yourself.
As for me, I am very much looking forward to next season. I think we will see a lot of improvement.