I honestly never imagined this year would go like it did. I'm sure no one ever did but honestly what a freakin year. I thought we had a shot at the NCAA playoffs this year and by week three that was history.I 've never seen this program at such a low level as this. I think Kelly should be fired after the USC game (debacle ) but what coach is going to want to come into this situation.Now almost as icing on the cake we have the NCAA sanctions. I seriously can't see anyone coming in and restoring this program. Looking back Kelly always seem to have issues with player misconduct at the beginning of the year and he always seem to lose a game he should'nt have (S Flo,Duke Tulsa etc).I think Kelly will be gone after USC but like I said who wants to come in and clean up this mess. Wow what a smack in the face. If Kelly has any integrity he should resign after the USC game but don't look for that to happen. I don't know what to think about next year as well,I think this program will pick up where we left off.WOW.