Under the Dome--- Deep State--Subversive Whackadoo's !!


I've posted how many times?
Feb 24, 2012
Rikers Island (Lifer)
If you are on this list please report to Pennick44's MAGA ReEducation camp in Provo, Utah. This is for your own good. 1. Stu4Don 2.SeanPoll355 3. Granite45 4. NDEWING 5. Ivan Brunetti 6. NoCalIrish 7. hayaka 8. Quest4twelve 9. ny_rob 10. echowaker 11. NinIrish 12. IIO 13. Buguit 14. Huddlebooger.
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If you are on this list please report to Pennick44's MAGA ReEducation camp in Provo, Utah. This is for your own good. 1. Stu4Don 2.SeanPoll355 3. Granite45 4. NDEWING 5. Ivan Brunetti 6. NoCalIrish 7. hayaka 8. Quest4twelve 9. ny_rob 10. echowaker 11. NinIrish 12. IIO 13. Buguit.
That's funny
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I think it's funny the bravado you guys have now that the R's are in power. Yet can't repeal and replace the ACA after fighting it for 7 years. #slohandclap
I invoke the same bravado during the Obama years
Unlike the Dems who took a failed law (ACA) then passes it without reading it the Republican Congress seen this wasn't good either so they didn't pass it, and will work on a better one as Congress is supposed to work while letting the ACA implode on its known failures then what will the liberals says?

"Single payer time"!
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I invoke the same bravado during the Obama years.
  • Unlike the Dems who took a failed law (ACA) then passes it without reading it the Republican Congress seen this wasn't good either so they didn't pass it, and will work on a better one as Congress is supposed to work while letting the ACA implode on its known failures then what will the liberals says?

"Single payer time"!
Going to the past to defend the present. Priceless! You guys even act like you're "leader" now. How many times did the Donald use repeal and replace on the stump? Now he's acting like it wasn't a signature campaign promise and it's Paul Ryan's and Dems fault. You should be applauding the other R's who knew if they passed the bill their asses would be voted out in '18 for sure.
Going to the past to defend the present. Priceless! You guys even act like you're "leader" now. How many times did the Donald use repeal and replace on the stump? Now he's acting like it wasn't a signature campaign promise and it's Paul Ryan's and Dems fault. You should be applauding the other R's who knew if they passed the bill their asses would be voted out in '18 for sure.
Civics lesson the president doesn't make law that's Congress shocker I know

Now I'm not sure what you mean by going to the Past because it's what happened in the past that will be imploding in the future enjoy it
If you are on this list please report to Pennick44's MAGA ReEducation camp in Provo, Utah. This is for your own good. 1. Stu4Don 2.SeanPoll355 3. Granite45 4. NDEWING 5. Ivan Brunetti 6. NoCalIrish 7. hayaka 8. Quest4twelve 9. ny_rob 10. echowaker 11. NinIrish 12. IIO 13. Buguit.
Can I marry the woman in your profile pic
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Bodi, I always thought you were a man. Since when did you become a female?

I am still a male. It would be too expensive under Obama care to get gender reassignment surgery.
The reason I have a hot FOX news lady (Abby Huntsman) as my profile is because my Eye doctor told me to watch Fox news more because of all the beautifull babes they have on there (It relaxes the eye muscles ) . So I do that and keep them on my computer screen ! I got a migraine from watching the Rachel Maddow show---That is the reason I went to the doctor in the first place. And thus the FOX news prescription.
I am still a male. It would be too expensive under Obama care to get gender reassignment surgery.
The reason I have a hot FOX news lady (Abby Huntsman) as my profile is because my Eye doctor told me to watch Fox news more because of all the beautifull babes they have on there (It relaxes the eye muscles ) . So I do that and keep them on my computer screen ! I got a migraine from watching the Rachel Maddow show---That is the reason I went to the doctor in the first place. And thus the FOX news prescription.

Especially Greta Van Susteren.
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Bodi, move to California and get put in State prison and the State will pay for your sex reassignment surguries at no expense to you. True, and good example of how crazy the politics and values of this state have become.
I invoke the same bravado during the Obama years
Unlike the Dems who took a failed law (ACA) then passes it without reading it the Republican Congress seen this wasn't good either so they didn't pass it, and will work on a better one as Congress is supposed to work while letting the ACA implode on its known failures then what will the liberals says?

"Single payer time"!

Hey, it works very well in Europe and the Canadians love it! (Despite what all of the insurance lobbyists tell you. Why do libertarians want to make big corporations and stock holders and multinational corporations fatter and richer? What about the working guy? The Union guy? Fair pay? The rupublicans have been fighting the common man for years now.) Funny to watch all those republican rats in a bag though -- the party of 'no' has now have to learn how to do something positive. Donald will get 'er done. Yeah, right.

Oh, and Bodi. Eat me and go register for Trump University they are opening a new campus in Moscow. You can major in cutting and pasting. I'm staying with the 65% of Americans who think this shit is nuts.
Hey, it works very well in Europe and the Canadians love it! (Despite what all of the insurance lobbyists tell you. Why do libertarians want to make big corporations and stock holders and multinational corporations fatter and richer? What about the working guy? The Union guy? Fair pay? The rupublicans have been fighting the common man for years now.) Funny to watch all those republican rats in a bag though -- the party of 'no' has now have to learn how to do something positive. Donald will get 'er done. Yeah, right.

Oh, and Bodi. Eat me and go register for Trump University they are opening a new campus in Moscow. You can major in cutting and pasting. I'm staying with the 65% of Americans who think this shit is nuts.

Stu the Canadian, and European health care was subpar before the Obama Administration wrecked the Health care system here.
Did it need? work yes it did.

Were the insurance companies making hand over fist? Yes they were but that's only because the government rig it in their favor.
What about the working guy? I am the working guy.
After 25 years in the Marine Corps I started at the bottom of a drilling company at 45 years old. With sacrifice and moving to each better opportunity I am now making more money than I ever did in the Marine Corps this is what hard work gets you. I can pick and choose wherever I want to live in the country now with the skills I have got with the opportunity that was presented to me and the desire to achieve. This is what the individual is capable of

The same opportunities available to any American that wants to go out there and grab it we are begging for people to come join us in what we do yet they do not want to sacrifice therefore they do without it is not my job to give them something if they don't want to get it

In regards to the Union they have serve their purpose at one time now they are part of the political Pig.

Right to work states have figured this out and brought business there and given the individual who wants to better themselves with hard work and dedication to advance and they're to opportunity presents itself if the individual will just go out and apply themselves and sacrifice

I side with the Freedom Caucus
The moderates in Republican Party will sell themselves out the Freedom caucus has principles and I stand with them principles

Let me ask you about your party the Democrats have fallen from what they used to stand for as well they are now the Socialist Party there's no putting lipstick on that pig. There is nothing in the Constitution that guarantee Healthcare it does state about the well-being but that resides in the 10th Amendment and state rights
Let the states figure it out not the corrupt federal government

I like you stu. I like your passion
But do not turned a blind eye to what your party has become there are more millionaires and billionaires in the Democratic Party the common man has moved right
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DIP: You know I how much I respect you and your right to voice your beliefs but if you are a member of the Freedom Caucus then we will have to agree to disagree and respect each other's rights as American's to have our own view of how this Republic should work. Currently reading a another book on Jefferson (didn't love Meachem's) and did you know he wrote while in France that he thought we should tear down the rules of government (constitution) each generation and set new rules. (He wasn't a fan of the Constitution, as you know...) Just finished the Adams book and I have a renewed appreciation for him as well as Hamilton (Chernow's book is brilliant) Now I know you libertarians hate Hamilton! And of course, I admire Madison for his work on federalist papers. And then there is the father of our country who sided with Hamilton in order to make this country a country and not a European amalgam of state-countries. Jefferson as president learned so much from Washington (what to do right) and Adams (what not to do, like keep your mouth shut and have your own advisors! not Washington's.)

I do love our country -- its history and people. I'm sure there we agree.
DIP: You know I how much I respect you and your right to voice your beliefs but if you are a member of the Freedom Caucus then we will have to agree to disagree and respect each other's rights as American's to have our own view of how this Republic should work. Currently reading a another book on Jefferson (didn't love Meachem's) and did you know he wrote while in France that he thought we should tear down the rules of government (constitution) each generation and set new rules. (He wasn't a fan of the Constitution, as you know...) Just finished the Adams book and I have a renewed appreciation for him as well as Hamilton (Chernow's book is brilliant) Now I know you libertarians hate Hamilton! And of course, I admire Madison for his work on federalist papers. And then there is the father of our country who sided with Hamilton in order to make this country a country and not a European amalgam of state-countries. Jefferson as president learned so much from Washington (what to do right) and Adams (what not to do, like keep your mouth shut and have your own advisors! not Washington's.)

I do love our country -- its history and people. I'm sure there we agree.

I have several quotes of Jefferson on the walls of my house, along with Madison writings
Both my favorite founder, but the foundation is he foundation. It isn't a living breathing paper. If the Constitution does not specifically refer to it then the answer resides in the 9th & 10th Amendment

I know a lot of people don't like the political stuff on the board, but with the lack of civics being taught I think for some people it could get them or engaged into learning their constitutional rights and the Constitution itself

And of course I do as well love our country, people, and it's history. We both Stand United in that
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Stu et al....

Would love an honest discussion of healthcare in the US. The majority of people in this country believe accessible and affordable high quality healthcare should be available to all citizens. The question is how to best provide this without compromising the quality of care and patient centered care the majority of us enjoy, and to do so within our budget priorities.

The Democrats don't honestly believe that Obamacare meets these stated goals. They crafted a bastardized system to buy off the insurance companies support, and they have ruined the market dynamics and costs are spiraling up and services are spiraling down. Their only public answer is to add more subsidies to cover the increased cost for premiums and deductibles because their mandates trying to force healthy young folks to buy insurance to cover the cost for older more at risk insured has failed miserably. Dems need to be honest about this and present what they really want, and that is a single payer government healthcare system.

The Republicans need to honestly present a comprehensive alternative that maximizes patient centered healthcare while ensuring accessible and affordable care for all. In doing so, they need to honestly acknowledge that we already have government run healthcare in the form of Medicaid for the very poor, and Medicare for the elderly.

Personally, I think the Republican proposed healthcare tax credits for the working poor is a stupid approach. Giving a poor person a tax credit 12 months after the fact does nothing to help with the premiums when they need to be paid, and so it really is a BS subsidy. I would like to see two alternatives openly debated with honest cost implications.

The Dems need to present their single payer for all solution, and they need to have the CBO put a price tag that makes the premiums self funding, and then calculate the added cost to subsidize based on a sliding scale of available income and assets.

Personally, I think the Repubs need to present an alternative which should keep Medicaid for the poor, create across state line insurance competition, require employers to offer basic healthcare as a benefit, but not at their expense, and require ins companies to create employer pools so that these are sold at group rates, employers should receive tax credits at some level for their contribution, if any, tort reform to cap liabilities, etc... forget tax credits, eliminate the taxable cap for Medicare and every Medicaid recipient should be required to pay at least a fifty dollar premium, just as every Medicare recipient pays $130 per month. There should be a seek work requirement for Medicaid recipients, and the eligibility requirements should be expanded for all fifty State, as block grants, but with higher state match requirements but much greater flexibility for States to manage the programs. Provide specific tax cuts for the middle class to help offset the cost of buying insurance through their employer, etc....

Compare the cost and tax implications and level of care and patient centered healthcare level of service suggested by a Dem proposal versus a GOP proposal, and openly debate the pros and cons and get on with solving the problem. While I totally support the need to increase military spending, I also support reducing our military footprint in the world and the extent of foreign aid we provide. These expenditures need to be redirected to paying for the added costs of things like one of these healthcare systems. The people need to demand this level of honesty and transparency, and get rid of all the political spin masters that dominate Washington. A complete reversal of how Wash has evolved over the past twenty plus years, and something neither in the establishment wants. The main driver behind Trumps election!
Stu et al....

Would love an honest discussion of healthcare in the US. The majority of people in this country believe accessible and affordable high quality healthcare should be available to all citizens. The question is how to best provide this without compromising the quality of care and patient centered care the majority of us enjoy, and to do so within our budget priorities.

The Democrats don't honestly believe that Obamacare meets these stated goals. They crafted a bastardized system to buy off the insurance companies support, and they have ruined the market dynamics and costs are spiraling up and services are spiraling down. Their only public answer is to add more subsidies to cover the increased cost for premiums and deductibles because their mandates trying to force healthy young folks to buy insurance to cover the cost for older more at risk insured has failed miserably. Dems need to be honest about this and present what they really want, and that is a single payer government healthcare system.

The Republicans need to honestly present a comprehensive alternative that maximizes patient centered healthcare while ensuring accessible and affordable care for all. In doing so, they need to honestly acknowledge that we already have government run healthcare in the form of Medicaid for the very poor, and Medicare for the elderly.

Personally, I think the Republican proposed healthcare tax credits for the working poor is a stupid approach. Giving a poor person a tax credit 12 months after the fact does nothing to help with the premiums when they need to be paid, and so it really is a BS subsidy. I would like to see two alternatives openly debated with honest cost implications.

The Dems need to present their single payer for all solution, and they need to have the CBO put a price tag that makes the premiums self funding, and then calculate the added cost to subsidize based on a sliding scale of available income and assets.

Personally, I think the Repubs need to present an alternative which should keep Medicaid for the poor, create across state line insurance competition, require employers to offer basic healthcare as a benefit, but not at their expense, and require ins companies to create employer pools so that these are sold at group rates, employers should receive tax credits at some level for their contribution, if any, tort reform to cap liabilities, etc... forget tax credits, eliminate the taxable cap for Medicare and every Medicaid recipient should be required to pay at least a fifty dollar premium, just as every Medicare recipient pays $130 per month. There should be a seek work requirement for Medicaid recipients, and the eligibility requirements should be expanded for all fifty State, as block grants, but with higher state match requirements but much greater flexibility for States to manage the programs. Provide specific tax cuts for the middle class to help offset the cost of buying insurance through their employer, etc....

Compare the cost and tax implications and level of care and patient centered healthcare level of service suggested by a Dem proposal versus a GOP proposal, and openly debate the pros and cons and get on with solving the problem. While I totally support the need to increase military spending, I also support reducing our military footprint in the world and the extent of foreign aid we provide. These expenditures need to be redirected to paying for the added costs of things like one of these healthcare systems. The people need to demand this level of honesty and transparency, and get rid of all the political spin masters that dominate Washington. A complete reversal of how Wash has evolved over the past twenty plus years, and something neither in the establishment wants. The main driver behind Trumps election!

Your proposal is exactly how Congress is supposed to work unfortunately Harry Reid made the Congress toxic, and President Obama's refusal to work with Republicans and his phone in pen done more harm than good.

Bill Clinton and Republican Congress was a perfect match as was Ronald Reagan and the Democratic congress with Tip O'Neill

They got great things done
I was listening to Mark Cuban's take on the health care situation and he had some interesting ideas except four how to pay for it and there lies the Crux of the matter

The answer for healthcare lies in the states not the federal government
Hey you guys, stu, DIP, Telx1 ... lots of good points in your posts. When are you running for a congressional seat?

Our country needs guys like you. You may disagree with each other, but you're still willing to debate and probably work something out. Much unlike many of our current GOP and DEMS in congress.
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Your proposal is exactly how Congress is supposed to work unfortunately Harry Reid made the Congress toxic, and President Obama's refusal to work with Republicans and his phone in pen done more harm than good.

Bill Clinton and Republican Congress was a perfect match as was Ronald Reagan and the Democratic congress with Tip O'Neill

They got great things done
I was listening to Mark Cuban's take on the health care situation and he had some interesting ideas except four how to pay for it and there lies the Crux of the matter

The answer for healthcare lies in the states not the federal government

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi ...
Hey you guys, stu, DIP, Telx1 ... lots of good points in your posts. When are you running for a congressional seat?

Our country needs guys like you. You may disagree with each other, but you're still willing to debate and probably work something out. Much unlike many of our current GOP and DEMS in congress.
When you take emotion out of it it's pretty easy to do
getting the emotion out of it isn't
Well, I guess you might as well try the "civics" thing, because the football conversation wasn't working out to well.

DIP needs to put the Cuckoo back in the Clock.
Hey, it works very well in Europe and the Canadians love it! (Despite what all of the insurance lobbyists tell you. Why do libertarians want to make big corporations and stock holders and multinational corporations fatter and richer? What about the working guy? The Union guy? Fair pay? The rupublicans have been fighting the common man for years now.) Funny to watch all those republican rats in a bag though -- the party of 'no' has now have to learn how to do something positive. Donald will get 'er done. Yeah, right.

Oh, and Bodi. Eat me and go register for Trump University they are opening a new campus in Moscow. You can major in cutting and pasting. I'm staying with the 65% of Americans who think this shit is nuts.

when I lived in watertown ny every week end all the clinics were full of cars with Canadian license plates. So what makes you think they have It so good?
I invoke the same bravado during the Obama years
Unlike the Dems who took a failed law (ACA) then passes it without reading it the Republican Congress seen this wasn't good either so they didn't pass it, and will work on a better one as Congress is supposed to work while letting the ACA implode on its known failures then what will the liberals says?

"Single payer time"!
I m all for a single payer system. Until you take profit making out of the health care system things won t change. Almost every other civilized country has made it work. The U S can too if it wants to.
I m all for a single payer system. Until you take profit making out of the health care system things won t change. Almost every other civilized country has made it work. The U S can too if it wants to.

Single payer only works for the wealthy.
You Bernie socialist crack me up

Before the ACA
Those countries with single-payer systems people would come to United States for their medical treatment. Now you want to make us into them.
Sure let's wait line for medical care.
The reason Healthcare is in such bad shape is because we have taken so many undocumented/ilegal aliens, and their dependents.
They have wrecked our school systems they have wrecked our Healthcare System
This is exactly how far we have fallen as a Country.
What's next?
When you feel like women are a women?
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Hey you guys, stu, DIP, Telx1 ... lots of good points in your posts. When are you running for a congressional seat?

Our country needs guys like you. You may disagree with each other, but you're still willing to debate and probably work something out. Much unlike many of our current GOP and DEMS in congress.
I'm just a frustrated old fart that despises the toxic partisan divide in our country, made worse by our obsession with 24/7 radio and cable tv political opinion shows. I personally think Washington changed for the worse during Clinton's second term with the Starr investigation and Impeachment process. The GOP and cable news acted like rabid dogs, all of course brought on by Clinton's disgusting behavior and blatant lies, and the hypocritical blind loyalty of his party faithful and special interest groups like NOW, that should have condemned his actions. That's when partisanship overwhelmed values and principles, and The likes of Reid and Pelosi and Cruz, et al have taken this to a new level.

The Resist folks won't like it, but the reality is that Trump is not the ideologue they paint, nor the discriminatory fascist they seemingly fear, but much more in the vein of a pragmatic results oriented doer. The stupidity of Schumer and the Dems RESISTING and being obstacles on every level exacerbates the partisan divide, but more importantly, they are pushing Trump to the right when they actually have a non ideologue President ready and willing to cut deals across the ideological landscape. As much as I don't like Trump on a personal level, I do think he is uniquely positioned to bring about meaningful improvement in healthcare and jobs and the economy and infrastructure, etc... but he needs a willing partner from moderate Dems to break the hold of the extremes in both parties to get things done. None of which will happen until the American people become more informed and more engaged, and demand results from the self serving career politicians who occupy Congress.
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