Transcript from pc yesterday... snippets...


I've posted how many times?
Jun 25, 2010

kelly "Nothing newsworthy for you folks. So it’s a pretty standard day out there. Everybody looked good. Everybody was running around. Guys sweated. Nobody got hurt. I yelled a lot. So, that’s all I’ve got. If you guys have anything better than that, let’s let you guys talk.”"

"This is a follow up on the number one jersey. Is that something you will announce during the week? Is there any restriction for offensive linemen?"

“Yeah, they will keep it in their locker, but they certainly won’t wear it. But they are eligible to receive that honor of wearing it.”


"With Justin’s added distance, he’s vying for that kickoff duty as well, and his placement has been really, really good. I’m not prepared to say who will kickoff right now but both those guys are neck and neck.”"

"Early on, Justin Yoon had some problems. How is he doing now?"

“I think he has done quite well. We’re trying to find out where he is in, what we call, what his max kick is. Today he finished practice and hit a 52 yarder. That’s up about five or six yards from where it was last year. So, we have increased him up to 52 as his top-end kick,

Q: What are some of the things that you do to keep the young players calm in their first game in a stadium of 100,000 people?

You try to do it in a number of areas. One, you try to recruit the right kind of kids that understand that when they come here, they are going to be under intense scrutiny and spotlight, and they are going to play in these kind of games. So you know, you don’t want kids that are skittish in these kind of environments. So that’s the first thing. The second thing is, you try to put them under intense scrutiny and pressure during the week. I wouldn’t consider all practices to be easy on kids in the sense that we are keeping pressure on them mentally to be sharp; they can’t be thin-skinned. So, a lot of those things help you deal with an environment that is raucous and loud. And we practice with the music and the crowd noise to duplicate some of those things. I think all of those factor into helping you to overcome those kind of situations.”

IMO that provides the comment for the yelling.

As far a kicking duties, you kinda butchered what he was saying with the reordering and selective deletion of comments:

After talking about Yoon's progress, Kelly was asked:

Q: How is Tyler Newsome doing with his consistency?

“Really good, solid, I mean he’s punting the heck out of the football. They both are kicking off very well. With Justin’s added distance, he’s vying for that kickoff duty as well, and his placement has been really, really good. I’m not prepared to say who will kickoff right now but both those guys are neck and neck.”

kelly "Nothing newsworthy for you folks. So it’s a pretty standard day out there. Everybody looked good. Everybody was running around. Guys sweated. Nobody got hurt. I yelled a lot. So, that’s all I’ve got. If you guys have anything better than that, let’s let you guys talk.”"

"This is a follow up on the number one jersey. Is that something you will announce during the week? Is there any restriction for offensive linemen?"

“Yeah, they will keep it in their locker, but they certainly won’t wear it. But they are eligible to receive that honor of wearing it.”


"With Justin’s added distance, he’s vying for that kickoff duty as well, and his placement has been really, really good. I’m not prepared to say who will kickoff right now but both those guys are neck and neck.”"

"Early on, Justin Yoon had some problems. How is he doing now?"

“I think he has done quite well. We’re trying to find out where he is in, what we call, what his max kick is. Today he finished practice and hit a 52 yarder. That’s up about five or six yards from where it was last year. So, we have increased him up to 52 as his top-end kick,
pretty straight forward stuff. you still don't understand the jersey thing i see. shocking.
Q: What are some of the things that you do to keep the young players calm in their first game in a stadium of 100,000 people?

You try to do it in a number of areas. One, you try to recruit the right kind of kids that understand that when they come here, they are going to be under intense scrutiny and spotlight, and they are going to play in these kind of games. So you know, you don’t want kids that are skittish in these kind of environments. So that’s the first thing. The second thing is, you try to put them under intense scrutiny and pressure during the week. I wouldn’t consider all practices to be easy on kids in the sense that we are keeping pressure on them mentally to be sharp; they can’t be thin-skinned. So, a lot of those things help you deal with an environment that is raucous and loud. And we practice with the music and the crowd noise to duplicate some of those things. I think all of those factor into helping you to overcome those kind of situations.”

IMO that provides the comment for the yelling.

As far a kicking duties, you kinda butchered what he was saying with the reordering and selective deletion of comments:

After talking about Yoon's progress, Kelly was asked:

Q: How is Tyler Newsome doing with his consistency?

“Really good, solid, I mean he’s punting the heck out of the football. They both are kicking off very well. With Justin’s added distance, he’s vying for that kickoff duty as well, and his placement has been really, really good. I’m not prepared to say who will kickoff right now but both those guys are neck and neck.”

I didn't "butcher" anything...

"you try to recruit the right kind of kids" Feel free to add the academic scandals too....

Total Arrests/Citations/Charges: 12
Devin Butler (August 20, 2016)
Max Redfield (August 19, 2016)
Dexter Williams (August 19, 2016)
Te’von Coney (August 19, 2016)
Ashton White (August 19, 2016)
Kevin Stepherson (August 19, 2016)
Will Mahone (June 15, 2014)
DaVaris Daniels, (May 13, 2012)
Tommy Rees (May 3, 2012)
Carlo Calabrese (May 3, 2012)
Michael Floyd (March 20, 2011)
College Football’s Grid of Shame
As the season begins in earnest, we rate how good the country’s top college football programs are—and how embarrassed their fans should be

I didn't "butcher" anything...

"you try to recruit the right kind of kids" Feel free to add the academic scandals too....

Total Arrests/Citations/Charges: 12
Devin Butler (August 20, 2016)
Max Redfield (August 19, 2016)
Dexter Williams (August 19, 2016)
Te’von Coney (August 19, 2016)
Ashton White (August 19, 2016)
Kevin Stepherson (August 19, 2016)
Will Mahone (June 15, 2014)
DaVaris Daniels, (May 13, 2012)
Tommy Rees (May 3, 2012)
Carlo Calabrese (May 3, 2012)
Michael Floyd (March 20, 2011)
College Football’s Grid of Shame
As the season begins in earnest, we rate how good the country’s top college football programs are—and how embarrassed their fans should be

boring, even for a non notre dame fan like yourself.
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Reactions: Pennick44
Myer had 30+ at Fl and Sabah 6 last week.... these were not just smoking some weed or under age drinking but credit card fraud.....

Most of the ones you sited are for things legal in other states and most countries...... id be concerned if it were not our silly decisions that you can die for your country at 18 but can't have a beer to 21.

Interesting that AL is higher..... id guess this is fairly biased. Some areas, maybe FSU for example seem to look the other way....

Harbaugh led the league for most players arrested in the NFL so get your popcorn and wait.

When its out of the normal things every college student goes through id be worried.... for now, I'm not..... id be worried if we go back to the last 15 years prior to Kelly of a .500 record over the previous 16 years...
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Reactions: echowaker
You are so full of crap! You couldn't find ND if I gave you a map!
.southern state, cross island...Throgs Neck to GWB....95...80... drove it many times with an esteemed resident of Grace Hall.....Fiat....
Pennsylvania was the worst part of the ride...endless....
PS flying from CA is much better....
.southern state, cross island...Throgs Neck to GWB....95...80... drove it many times with an esteemed resident of Grace Hall.....Fiat....
Pennsylvania was the worst part of the ride...endless....
PS flying from CA is much better....
Like I said, so full of crap!