The sample size is big enough on Freeman


I've posted how many times?
Dec 9, 2006
Three seasons, three bad loses (two MAC schools and a bad Stanford team) it’s not a fluke or one off, he’s not the guy.

Leonard looks like a complete bust, let’s be real players are bought and ND got a lemon! Guy has decent wheels but can’t hit a receiver unless there is 30 yards of separation, he’s uncomfortable in the pocket and stares down receivers. He’s a poor man’s Tim Tebow and that’s dirt poor.

ND needs to stop the rent-a-QB, develop SOMEONE!

The admin has settle for average and that’s not changing, 9-3 and they’ll give Freeman an extension.
I was saying all along they should give Angeli a shot, he deserves it and he's been solid when he's played. You fools bought into the Hartman hype last season and the Leonard hype this year. I was never sold on either. Look at the offers they had coming out of HS, unimpressive, meanwhile you have kid being overlooked and sitting on the bench that had far better offers coming out of HS, like Ohio State, Michigan, Alabama, etc.

Freeman should be fired for not having a real QB competition and simply anointing the last two starters.
I was saying all along they should give Angeli a shot, he deserves it and he's been solid when he's played. You fools bought into the Hartman hype last season and the Leonard hype this year. I was never sold on either. Look at the offers they had coming out of HS, unimpressive, meanwhile you have kid being overlooked and sitting on the bench that had far better offers coming out of HS, like Ohio State, Michigan, Alabama, etc.

Freeman should be fired for not having a real QB competition and simply anointing the last twoh starters.
I think the bigger issue is the don't make any mistakes rely on your D to win grind out wins conservative offensive approach of the HC. It may be valid against a team with superior talent but is ridiculous imo against against a team without even top 100 CF talent. We've seen this movie before several times. ND should have opened up the offensive playbook and played for blowing out a much less talented team. It sends the wrong message to the team to play not lose philosophy. Imo the HCs offensive game plan is handcuffing the Offense and is the Achilles heel of the program. Buechner was a highly rated qb recruit and busted at ND. Hartman regressed as a 5th yr transfer as has Leonard. All played under 3 different O coordinators but same HC. The HC being the one constant theme. He recruits guys with talent on O then leaves them on the bench or out of the game plan. All those wr transfer s out at end of last season may have not been just about the wr coach issues .They may seen the writing on the wall re playing in an O under Freeman as HC. The continued lackluster O performance will probably have a negative impact on O skill player recruiting going forward without a dramatic change in philosophy and Results. MF s is a D centric HC. His approach doesn't fit the current era of CF Where qb and wr play is paramount to success. Have to wonder in yr 3 if MF is the right guy to lead the program.