I am simply commenting on my take from the documentary. All the back and forth regarding if he should have known or not is good discussion. I am not him so there is no way I am going to judge that. The way it was all presented is what I am referring to. Specifically the point of view from the "scammer'. I am not buying his version that it was innocent and simply got out of hand. It looked more like he went out of his way to make a fool of MT, than just a prank that went too far. Hey, maybe my take is wrong. But that is how it came across. Whether or not he is a "domer" is irrelevant to me. To be fair, Manti should have been completely honest himself when asked about his "girlfriend". The fact that he didn't say "I never met her , we have an online relationship", tells me in the back of his mind, he had some doubts about this whole saga. Logically ,if he had told people that he never actually met her, most likely someone might have said "YO, Manti! I think you're being played" . As it turns out, he was and payed the price. Either way , it's old news. I didn't even think about it until this documentary came out.