The chaos that would follow.....


I've posted how many times?
Sep 9, 2013
They're looking at allowing immediate eligibility for anyone transferring the first time.

If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly.

In other words this could possibly empty our cupboards in a hurry and with poaching at a minimum.
I guarantee you we've a lot of players who all of a sudden realize the scholastic load at ND was a lot heavier than they anticipated. How many don't leave because of the sitting out issue. That's hard to really know but you can bet we'll never replenish the cupboard of incoming transfers with what we lose.
I don't buy into the academic excuses for losing but if this passes this could really hurt our program.
as a sport college football is becoming worse than ...well whats worse than college football? harness racing?

do away with athletic scholarships all together!
oh well. change was inevitable. i really don't think allowing one free move will make things significantly different than whats going on with the portal now. perhaps ND may consider rethinking their admissions requirements ? other requirements under the new proposal also. coaches come and go without restrictions, why shouldn't players ?
They're looking at allowing immediate eligibility for anyone transferring the first time.

If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly.

In other words this could possibly empty our cupboards in a hurry and with poaching at a minimum.
I guarantee you we've a lot of players who all of a sudden realize the scholastic load at ND was a lot heavier than they anticipated. How many don't leave because of the sitting out issue. That's hard to really know but you can bet we'll never replenish the cupboard of incoming transfers with what we lose.
I don't buy into the academic excuses for losing but if this passes this could really hurt our program.

"If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly."

And what could hurt ND, could also help ND. Many other schools will be saying the same thing.

But, I get what you are saying. But, also kids have to realize that just by transferring, playing time could be an issue where they may want to go. All comes down the "risk/reward" question.
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I understand the angst of the OP, just not sure I agree with the conclusion that we would lose more than we gain. There are a lot of really skilled players that go to the football factories, that can’t break into the starting lineup, and whose to say we wouldn’t get more than our share of transfers from this. This may in fact require a rethinking of our admission requirements for transfer, but don’t really know what these are in the first place. Overall, I think the effect will be highly touted players who are not getting the playing time they want or think they deserve, transferring to schools they perceive as offering a better opportunity to play. I would not be surprised if ND has fewer such transfer outs as the degree has so much value, and most of our players chose ND with that in mind.
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I understand the angst of the OP, just not sure I agree with the conclusion that we would lose more than we gain. There are a lot of really skilled players that go to the football factories, that can’t break into the starting lineup, and whose to say we wouldn’t get more than our share of transfers from this. This may in fact require a rethinking of our admission requirements for transfer, but don’t really know what these are in the first place. Overall, I think the effect will be highly touted players who are not getting the playing time they want or think they deserve, transferring to schools they perceive as offering a better opportunity to play. I would not be surprised if ND has fewer such transfer outs as the degree has so much value, and most of our players chose ND with that in mind.

I used to follow the football Giants 24/7. They were like family! Then cam free agency! There ain’t no family any longer. It is just a few greedy guys passing through. I can’t name 5 players on the NYG’s!
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I used to follow the football Giants 24/7. They were like family! Then cam free agency! There ain’t no family any longer. It is just a few greedy guys passing through. I can’t name 5 players on the NYG’s!

While I would assert that they're not "greedy" and merely doing what is in their and their families best interest, I agree with your general sentiment.

Free agency does not lend itself to extreme fan loyalty. While I find people are still interested in the league (obviously) it is more of a general fandom and the interest is also largely leveraged through fantasy football as well. Whoever ultimately created fantasy football is owed immeasurable sums of money from NFL owners and players.

Relaxed transfer policies have hurt the college basketball game immensely. Teams are rarely similar from one year to the next and 60-80% roster displacement is now pretty much the norm.

Luckily, inherent factors with football make mass transfer migration much more unlikely than basketball.
I used to follow the football Giants 24/7. They were like family! Then cam free agency! There ain’t no family any longer. It is just a few greedy guys passing through. I can’t name 5 players on the NYG’s!
I totally get all of the professional sports. But college is different. There is more turnover every year from graduation, injuries, transfers, etc... than there used to be in professional football, to use your example. The annual rite of passage of folks leaving and new recruits coming in is part of the ebb and flow of optimism that makes college football so exciting. Not at all sure this change in transfer rules will have a noticeable affect on our roster and those who play
The one year “sit out” rule provided stability.

The institutions and the teams they field are more important than the individual players.

The new rule will create instability!
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oh well. change was inevitable. i really don't think allowing one free move will make things significantly different than whats going on with the portal now. perhaps ND may consider rethinking their admissions requirements ? other requirements under the new proposal also. coaches come and go without restrictions, why shouldn't players ?
They're looking at allowing immediate eligibility for anyone transferring the first time.

If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly.

In other words this could possibly empty our cupboards in a hurry and with poaching at a minimum.
I guarantee you we've a lot of players who all of a sudden realize the scholastic load at ND was a lot heavier than they anticipated. How many don't leave because of the sitting out issue. That's hard to really know but you can bet we'll never replenish the cupboard of incoming transfers with what we lose.
I don't buy into the academic excuses for losing but if this passes this could really hurt our program.

"If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly."

I think the repercussion will come if a kid transfers to/from anywhere, but when he gets to the new stop and determines that it is not as good as he thought and wants to leave, now the issue of sitting out comes in play. it will all be an individual thing and it will have growing pains (if confirmed).

I really don't see much movement in the grand scheme of college sports.
the problem is that the movement from the pure amateur interscholastic nature of the sport and what we have has created a widening gap and that gap is increasing at ever increasing pace! It is going where, eventually, many fans do not want to go! Eventually, the issue will be resolved by the only mater that matters any longer: $.
I agree that it would bad for the sport but it might help ND more than hurt. Our best recruits seem a little more loyal to ND. In positions where we are weak it would be nice to get a free agent from the Southern schools. I've mentioned that we should take a Cody Riggs every year if one is available. Well this way we wouldn't have to find a grad program that suits him.
"If transferring has no repercussion this has the potential to absolutely decimate our roster yearly."

I think the repercussion will come if a kid transfers to/from anywhere, but when he gets to the new stop and determines that it is not as good as he thought and wants to leave, now the issue of sitting out comes in play. it will all be an individual thing and it will have growing pains (if confirmed).

I really don't see much movement in the grand scheme of college sports.
I do.
That rule kept...IMO...many players from leaving because of sitting out a year.

My ultimate point is how this will impact us. There is no way we'll bring in players to wash what we lose. No way in hell. If they weren't on our radar before they won't be now. Moreover with the way BK sees an offensive depth chart this has disaster written all over it.

We shall see
I do.
That rule kept...IMO...many players from leaving because of sitting out a year.

My ultimate point is how this will impact us. There is no way we'll bring in players to wash what we lose. No way in hell. If they weren't on our radar before they won't be now. Moreover with the way BK sees an offensive depth chart this has disaster written all over it.

We shall see

"My ultimate point is how this will impact us"

You are right -- how will it impact ND (positive/negative)? Ultimately, this won't be a known commodity until 3-4 years down the road. Until then, no sense in losing all of our collective marbles at this time.
"My ultimate point is how this will impact us"

You are right -- how will it impact ND (positive/negative)? Ultimately, this won't be a known commodity until 3-4 years down the road. Until then, no sense in losing all of our collective marbles at this time.
Naturally all we have at this point is pure speculation but spitballing...

A school like Alabama, OSU... they will have their share leaving for more PT elsewhere but you better believe they'll be poaching along the way to replenish the cupboard.

Schools with less sparkling scholastics it will be a complete wash. They'll lose, but they'll replace.

I don't think that will be the case here. We'll lose some alright. There will be kids hanging on by a thread given a chance to bail with no which who we can get to fill in won't equal what we lose. I don't think so anyways.
Alohi is a definitive exception. This new receiver we got in from....Northwestern? I'll allow him to play for us before passing judgment but we don't get impact transfers. Rules or recruiting, either way we just aren't on the radar of many o' transfer.

I don't think many coaches are behind this potential rule change. Saban sure didn't sound very excited about it when asked. The NCAA often times does the opposite of correct so I'm sure they'll make this rule get etched in stone.
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It’s going to hurt every college/university that has a deep talent pool.