This is just for fun and not earth shattering and it kind of ties in with a celebrity thread from last week. One of my brothers and I ran into a Notre Dame broadcasting personality way before kick off and we said hello and gave him high praise for his ND broadcasting work. Hardly a response and big time brush off. He made it more than clear there was to be no engagement with the regular fan. (It was not Reggie or Allen or Criqui.) Then, inside the stadium there was Manti. He was right in front of us for the whole pregame. Engaging, laughing, taking pictures with anyone who asked, signing for anyone who asked, waving at the student body. Enjoying every single second of game day. Jaylon brought out Manti for the pre kick ritual of saluting and pumping up the student body. It was fantastic. One crabby old grouch. One Domer great who made everyone's day that he came in contact with.