Steve Boda - ND Football Historian


ND Expert
Aug 29, 2003
I just happened to see this article posted on Facebook this morning. Have you guys heard about this? Steve Boda, a Notre Dame football historian, likely had the most extensive collection of ND football information, anywhere. Apparently he died back in November, and his collection of info is on eBay for around $12,000. (Long story how it ended up on eBay.) Anyway, it would be a shame if this collection got lost or claimed by someone who couldn't appreciate it the right way.

I attached a link to the story. Any of you Alumni out there with deep pockets able to grab this off of eBay?

This post was edited on 3/7 10:13 AM by PAIrishFan

Steve Boda - ND Football Archives
Originally posted by PAIrishFan:
I just happened to see this article posted on Facebook this morning. Have you guys heard about this? Steve Boda, a Notre Dame football historian, likely had the most extensive collection of ND football information, anywhere. Apparently he died back in November, and his collection of info is on eBay for around $12,000. (Long story how it ended up on eBay.) Anyway, it would be a shame if this collection got lost or claimed by someone who couldn't appreciate it the right way.

I attached a link to the story. Any of you Alumni out there with deep pockets able to grab this off of eBay?

This post was edited on 3/7 10:13 AM by PAIrishFan
It's a fascinating story that someone should forward to the powers that be at ND because that collection belongs somewhere on campus.
I agree. I'm not an ND Alum, but can one of you guys maybe use your clout and do something about this? It just seems to belong at ND.