SB cop involved with Devin Butler removed from street patrol

I don't know anything about the incident or the other cases the officer was involved in so that's why I am not rushing to judgement. You don't know anything either but you are sure in a hurry to find the officer guilty. Let it play out. If he's guilty then he will be punished appropriately. If he's innocent, the protesters will find something else to bitch about.
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I answered the ? asked appropriately. What have you learned about that officer that makes you think this was NOT the appropriate thing to do? Too much history. A least there is a question of questionable judgement. Time to evaluate if the is a man you tnink is 'protecting' the public; with a badge and a gun.
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I have learned there are accusations. When the accusations become facts then his badge must be taken away and he should lose his police powers. Right now, just accusations. Ferguson, Baltimore, Philly all were accusations that proved to be false. Others (Chicago) look pretty pretty damning, but , even then, let the judicial system play out.
events in the past were not just alkegations.

And, when there are enough questionable judgement incidents, it is not about guilt nor innocence, it is about exercising good precautions. You do not need to wait for a catastrophic occurance before exercising precautionary judgement.
I have learned there are accusations. When the accusations become facts then his badge must be taken away and he should lose his police powers. Right now, just accusations. Ferguson, Baltimore, Philly all were accusations that proved to be false. Others (Chicago) look pretty pretty damning, but , even then, let the judicial system play out.
It's not playing out for Butler is it? The suspension came as soon as the charges were filed.
If you have a problem with Butler's suspension, talk to the university. Father Jenkins would love to hear from you. Just because this officer has had prior accusations against him, doesn't mean that was the case in the Butler incident. What you have here is some folk who want the officer to be guilty so bad, they can taste it. Accusations are accusations. Not proof of guilt. I'm willing, as an outsider like everyone on this board, to let the facts and any video to come forward, then make the proper call. Butler isn't guilty until the facts have been presented and neither is the officer. I'm positive you were so sure the officers were guilty in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Philly right from the start based on media reports only. Isn't it a little disconcerting that I seem to be the only one interested in the facts before passing judgement on anyone?
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here is your delemma - should this officer do something even questionable and all the poor history is out there now, can you fathom the outcry?

And, let's face it his behavior is not without question to date and he brought that upon himself.
No one is doing anything to him.
Outcry doesn't mean anything to me. People are outcrying every day about one thing or another. I'm just interested in the facts of this case and only this case. Not community outcry. I get the vibe that justice would only mean punishment for the officer and nothing less. Community outcry is many times based on emotion, not facts. Such was the case when the Rams players decided to run out of the tunnel with their hands in a "hands up, don't shoot" gesture, even though it never happened. Just sounds better and it made the players look cool. Uninformed, but cool.
If you have a problem with Butler's suspension, talk to the university. Father Jenkins would love to hear from you. Just because this officer has had prior accusations against him, doesn't mean that was the case in the Butler incident. What you have here is some folk who want the officer to be guilty so bad, they can taste it. Accusations are accusations. Not proof of guilt. I'm willing, as an outsider like everyone on this board, to let the facts and any video to come forward, then make the proper call. Butler isn't guilty until the facts have been presented and neither is the officer. I'm positive you were so sure the officers were guilty in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Philly right from the start based on media reports only. Isn't it a little disconcerting that I seem to be the only one interested in the facts before passing judgement on anyone?
If that was aimed at me it was way off the mark! I practiced as defense counsel for five years, albeit a hundred years ago, and my instincts are to wait until not only the evidence is in but cross examination and summation have been concluded.
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well, as for outcry; must times people are ill informed and do things based upon that information.
I doubt most demonsratirs took time to look into the detail or suppirting facts to what they are protesting.
If that was aimed at me it was way off the mark! I practiced as defense counsel for five years, albeit a hundred years ago, and my instincts are to wait until not only the evidence is in but cross examination and summation have been concluded.
And that's why I am saying if you have a problem with Butler's suspension, stop by Father Jenkin's office and let him know. That was and is a university deal. From what I understand, this type suspension applies to any ND student,not just ND athletes. We can all agree that this needs to end in a fair way. I think Jenkins should have a beer summit at his office for the officer and Butler. Talk things out. Make peace. Let it be known the officer acted "stupidly", then call in the Feds to come in and take over the SBPD. In a perfect world, I want both parties to be exonerated. I have a feeling more injuries are on the way.
And that's why I am saying if you have a problem with Butler's suspension, stop by Father Jenkin's office and let him know. That was and is a university deal. From what I understand, this type suspension applies to any ND student,not just ND athletes. We can all agree that this needs to end in a fair way. I think Jenkins should have a beer summit at his office for the officer and Butler. Talk things out. Make peace. Let it be known the officer acted "stupidly", then call in the Feds to come in and take over the SBPD. In a perfect world, I want both parties to be exonerated. I have a feeling more injuries are on the way.
Sue his ass, this was not a misunderstanding. The statements under oath initially and what was filed again presumably as an affidavit in support, or whatever it is called in that jurisdiction,. in support of the charges was materially different.