Saying It Now


Posts Like A Champion
Feb 1, 2006
Regardless of what happens from here, this has been a really surprising and rewarding season. Specifically:
  1. Coming into the season, it was supposed to be a rebuilding year with tons of unknowns. We then had a rash of early and substantial injuries, the loss to Cinci, and everyone crying & bitching over the Oline and QB play. Add onto this the early complaining of Freeman and the D.
  2. Slowly and surely, BK and staff have continued to coach their collective arse off, and the team has pulled together. We may not have the Offensive firepower of OSU or the Defensive dominance of UGA, but we have seen the team do their jobs. Likely to go 11-1 and be on the verge of the CFP.
  3. We've seen glimpses of the future across the board with so many different young players stepping up and progressing. Add to this the potential returnees (speaking to those who may decide to stay vs. try the NFL), the known returnees, the injured players we will get back, and the incoming recruiting class(es), and what true Irish fan isn't thrilled?
Winning a natty will always be their goal and for us, as fans, it would be amazing. But for me personally, I am just thrilled to be able to root for and support my beloved Irish knowing:
  • We have a quality coaching staff with integrity
  • We have amazing student-athletes representing the university and wearing the Blue & Gold
  • Have put up a string of amazing seasons and raised the bar to the level we are currently at
  • The future brings not only continued success and keeps us on the edge of our seats, but fills us with hope
To quote 'ol Russell Crowe....."Are you not entertained?!"

So savor what we have, Irish fans. It's pretty special. And Go Irish!!!!
Regardless of what happens from here, this has been a really surprising and rewarding season. Specifically:
  1. Coming into the season, it was supposed to be a rebuilding year with tons of unknowns. We then had a rash of early and substantial injuries, the loss to Cinci, and everyone crying & bitching over the Oline and QB play. Add onto this the early complaining of Freeman and the D.
  2. Slowly and surely, BK and staff have continued to coach their collective arse off, and the team has pulled together. We may not have the Offensive firepower of OSU or the Defensive dominance of UGA, but we have seen the team do their jobs. Likely to go 11-1 and be on the verge of the CFP.
  3. We've seen glimpses of the future across the board with so many different young players stepping up and progressing. Add to this the potential returnees (speaking to those who may decide to stay vs. try the NFL), the known returnees, the injured players we will get back, and the incoming recruiting class(es), and what true Irish fan isn't thrilled?
Winning a natty will always be their goal and for us, as fans, it would be amazing. But for me personally, I am just thrilled to be able to root for and support my beloved Irish knowing:
  • We have a quality coaching staff with integrity
  • We have amazing student-athletes representing the university and wearing the Blue & Gold
  • Have put up a string of amazing seasons and raised the bar to the level we are currently at
  • The future brings not only continued success and keeps us on the edge of our seats, but fills us with hope
To quote 'ol Russell Crowe....."Are you not entertained?!"

So savor what we have, Irish fans. It's pretty special. And Go Irish!!!!
Well said. Perfectly said. You’re a damn good poster, iWish. An underrated one around here.
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