Ronnie Stanley chooses adoption

Good for him! Current furbaby in the Alice household is a shelter cat, adopted him over eight years ago, he was born at the shelter and nearly a year old. Needless to say, he's spoiled daily. :)

I have a white, blue eyed, bobtailed cat that sits on my lap when I read this forum (I found her outside a conveinance store when she was a kitten 8 years ago.. (SO our cats are about the same age) She likes to stare at my parakeets. I have to keep a close eye on her. She is pretty smart. She knows I get distracted when I read some of the BS Perse posts and she will attack the bird cage during those times. Luckily there have been no bird fatalities yet.

*** Ronnie Stanley has a great heart to go with his great talent. Thanks for posting the article, motkaboo.
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