Receiving the opening KO

Dec 29, 2005
Hey fellas, just want to get everyone's thoughts on BK always wanting the ball to start? I've heard his comments in the past about getting the ball first and trying to get on the board and the momentum. That said, ND rarely scores on the first drive it seems. I've never been a fan of this tactic personally but I'm open to opinions on the matter and what I may be overlooking on this topic.
I don't like it and it seems the vast majority of coaches don't like it either. The opposition has won both outcomes of the coin flip for the last 10+ years at Notre Dame.
In my view, whatever advantage has been gained by receiving kick off 1st over the years, has been outweighed by the disadvantage of not getting the ball to open the 2nd half.

Hopes of this perceived advantage was quickly lost in Texas unfortunately.
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Hey fellas, just want to get everyone's thoughts on BK always wanting the ball to start? I've heard his comments in the past about getting the ball first and trying to get on the board and the momentum. That said, ND rarely scores on the first drive it seems. I've never been a fan of this tactic personally but I'm open to opinions on the matter and what I may be overlooking on this topic.
The one thing I like about BK is going for it. He's not playing scared from the start. Now he tends to wet himself later on in the game but just get the ball and make a statement. I'm OK with that.

A side note ..I'd rather have a shot at 7-0 than put OUR defense under pressure from the start. We don't stop anyone decent. This is years in the making. Even Nevada got receivers behind our secondary with ease. WTF❕

Too much lazy defensive play.
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I personally prefer to receive the ball at halftime if I'm ND, as Kelly's offenses tend to take awhile to get rolling and the defense isn't very good. However, does it really matter? I've never heard of a coach claiming that the reason why his team lost, is because they couldn't receive the ball first. It's a 60 minute ball game and plenty of chances for both teams to score, regardless of who receives first.
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It fits his strength so go with it. If our strength was defense he probably would not take the ball.
I can remember this topic when CW was coaching. It does not matter since each team has 60 minutes to play the game.
Depends on the situation.

Against an over matched opponent, take the ball. Ram it down their throats and get them doubting themselves.

Against a quality opponent in a big time game, defer. Let them get their excitement out on offense first when the willies are still kicking into high gear along with the added pressure to score and not waste the first possession.
Most coaches defer unless weather conditions dictate other wise .
Most coaches defer unless weather conditions dictate other wise .
Most coaches feel that it's slightly better to defer and apparently the statistics prove them correct namely it's slightly better to defer
ND offense>>>ND defense. Take the ball, score or pin them. I'd defer if ND had '12 type defense.