Browsing the forums it seems the new format is, at best, being 'coolly' received.
Since many of us became aware of this change very recently and to my knowledge there were no open requests for posters to participate in any kind of 'testing'; the kind of testing that provides feedback as to how user friendly the design is and how visually appealing it is. So, who was the focus group that the web designers used for providing feedback to adapt the design as the feedback was received? Were these posters who were familiar with the type of sports related forums and the habits of posting? A sports message board forum is considerably different in nature from a 'social network or social network forum; yet it seems that the design here is trying to follow a 'social network' framework. Sports fans are not 'teens' as you find on FB; it is quite a different design need: this is a discussion forum. Why 'likes' is even here is silly.
So who was your focus group providing feedback; please tell me you were not leaving us at the mercy of 'techies'!
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Since many of us became aware of this change very recently and to my knowledge there were no open requests for posters to participate in any kind of 'testing'; the kind of testing that provides feedback as to how user friendly the design is and how visually appealing it is. So, who was the focus group that the web designers used for providing feedback to adapt the design as the feedback was received? Were these posters who were familiar with the type of sports related forums and the habits of posting? A sports message board forum is considerably different in nature from a 'social network or social network forum; yet it seems that the design here is trying to follow a 'social network' framework. Sports fans are not 'teens' as you find on FB; it is quite a different design need: this is a discussion forum. Why 'likes' is even here is silly.
So who was your focus group providing feedback; please tell me you were not leaving us at the mercy of 'techies'!
Thanks for your prompt reply.