Quarterbacks gone bad or its not always greener on the other side


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003
Former USC QB Todd Marinovich was arrested after being found naked with meth in a backyard in Irvine, police said:

Gunner maybe gun shy - Just Announced: Hayden Moore named starting QB for the #Bearcats. Release:
Former Notre Dame QB Gunner Kiel will be back up at Cincinnati.

This goes down as one of the most stupid decisions I have seen from a player Guy could have started at ND replacing Golson but no, he leaves and now is riding pine at Cinci....Cinci!!!!
I think you need to ask yourself could he really have replaced EG? Im going to agree with Les Miles on this one

No, I don't think he has it. So I agree with you. But that is not the point. What would you rather do - get a starting nod and chance to succeed Golson at ND, or get a starting nod at Cinci? It is about opportunity. He likely fails at either school but not too many guys get to play starting QB for ND
Former USC QB Todd Marinovich was arrested after being found naked with meth in a backyard in Irvine, police said:

Gunner maybe gun shy - Just Announced: Hayden Moore named starting QB for the #Bearcats. Release:
Former Notre Dame QB Gunner Kiel will be back up at Cincinnati.

This goes down as one of the most stupid decisions I have seen from a player Guy could have started at ND replacing Golson but no, he leaves and now is riding pine at Cinci....Cinci!!!!

the post is more a testamount towards the bitterness malicious nature of some fans here.

he may not be 100% ? he has been concussed too many times. He took quite a beating last season! but, He is even on the 'Golden Arm Watchlist'
Gunner made the right decision to leave; he has pointed out that his decision was not based upon football but his entire ND experience. ND is not for everyone; or do ND'ers only use that phrase when it fits a need?

And dispite all the talented players, QB at ND has not been a smooth ride for anyone.
Even DK, dispite brilliant play, is much in the same position as a few others beforre him.
QB for ND means you are just part of some controversy.

The 'censure family' of posters have returned to protect their 'image'; you know what protects your image? Win, just win! No statue for 8-4; get some meaningful 'W''s.
You can fool a small group of fans, but winning has to back you up, the 7th year itch might be upon you! (unchartered waters for a ND coach: 7 years and no NC? so temper your arrogance and bravado)
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I am thinking that Gunner might try and transfer ...........................................again.
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he may not be 100% ? he has been concussed too many times. He took quite a beating last season! He is even on the 'Golden Arm Watchlist'
Gunner made the right decision to leave; he has pointed out that his decision was not based upon football but his entire ND experience. ND is not for everyone; or do ND'ers only use that phrase when it fits a need?

And dispite all the talented players, QB at ND has not been a smooth ride for anyone.
Even DK, dispite brilliant play, is much in the same position as a few others beforre him.
QB for ND means you are just part of some controversy.

code for Brian Kelly's fault ? Your an insufferable d b
I have not followed Kiel since he left ND, but what little I have heard about him at UC is that he was playing pretty darn good. Hope he gets his starting gig back. Good luck to GK.
Former USC QB Todd Marinovich was arrested after being found naked with meth in a backyard in Irvine, police said:

Gunner maybe gun shy - Just Announced: Hayden Moore named starting QB for the #Bearcats. Release:
Former Notre Dame QB Gunner Kiel will be back up at Cincinnati.

This goes down as one of the most stupid decisions I have seen from a player Guy could have started at ND replacing Golson but no, he leaves and now is riding pine at Cinci....Cinci!!!!

Didn't Kiel suffer a number of concussions? That might make one less dedicated to the game.
I wonder what it is like when you come out as a HS QB and everyone is telling you will be the next great thing and after being the top dog you are not realizing the goals that you and others have established for yourself.

If you gave it everything you had - you should have no second thoughts about not reaching the goals that you thought were attainable. But if you didn't ....
he lived up to his hype in '15; but he took a fierce beating.

ND fans obsess re GK while the recent events are imore than enough to keep tneir attention.

the post is more a testamount towards the bitterness malicious nature of some fans here.

he may not be 100% ? he has been concussed too many times. He took quite a beating last season! but, He is even on the 'Golden Arm Watchlist'
Gunner made the right decision to leave; he has pointed out that his decision was not based upon football but his entire ND experience. ND is not for everyone; or do ND'ers only use that phrase when it fits a need?

And dispite all the talented players, QB at ND has not been a smooth ride for anyone.
Even DK, dispite brilliant play, is much in the same position as a few others beforre him.
QB for ND means you are just part of some controversy.

The 'censure family' of posters have returned to protect their 'image'; you know what protects your image? Win, just win! No statue for 8-4; get some meaningful 'W''s.
You can fool a small group of fans, but winning has to back you up, the 7th year itch might be upon you! (unchartered waters for a ND coach: 7 years and no NC? so temper your arrogance and bravado)

Perse attacked Gunner and his family when he left Notre Dame. He seems to have forgot ! I have not !