Power hour is terrible !


I've posted how many times?
Feb 24, 2012
Rikers Island (Lifer)
I used to like listening to power hour Years ago but it has turned into a Irish hate fest ! They all sound like they have marbles in their mouths and say the dumbest things trying to be funny. They are a bunch of lame wusses. Their fearful leader is always crying about playing a tough opponent in the first couple of games. He thinks we should open up with a few patsies before we play a good team. One full hour (I could only listen 4 minutes this last time) of excuses and why the Irish suck and how they would do things differently. God$%^ POSERS !!!
Go Irish !
Beat Sparty !!
I used to like listening to power hour Years ago but it has turned into a Irish hate fest ! They all sound like they have marbles in their mouths and say the dumbest things trying to be funny. They are a bunch of lame wusses. Their fearful leader is always crying about playing a tough opponent in the first couple of games. He thinks we should open up with a few patsies before we play a good team. One full hour (I could only listen 4 minutes this last time) of excuses and why the Irish suck and how they would do things differently. God$%^ POSERS !!!
Go Irish !
Beat Sparty !!
Yeah... Mike was pretty pissy during the early part of the show. I like Jaime U. He knows what he is talking about. The 2 nd half of the show was much more complementary of the Irish effort. Huge game Sat night for ND! Big win coming!
stopped listening to that show years ago -- most of the logic they use is faulty/something you'd expect from a group of baseball hacks 10 years before sabermetrics was a thing.

i think irish illustrated has the most tolerable podcasts.

blue & gold illustrated is really dry.
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