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Posts Like A Champion
Jan 16, 2008
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.
You go light a candle for Coaches Kelly and Van Gorder . This used to be Notre Dame. Now it is "Find an Excuse" or Sesame Street Politically Correct" Screw em They make millions and don't know how to coach Myer and Saban lose players and don't miss a beat

Kelly is so full of bs he reminds me of Hillary. And if Jack had a backbone he would make Kelly fire BVG What happened defensively was a disaster and inexcusable. These kids were not taught cover 3 they did not keep the play in front of them There was zero attempts to blitz No attempts to disrupt a frosh QB The kid looked like a pro cause he had all day

Forget the candle use the match though
Well said and an important reminder to us all.

However, he gets paid more money in one year than I will probably make during my entire career to make good decisions regardless of temperature, wacka doodles and/or distractions--and he made several costly decisions last night that directly affected the outcome of the game. The man needs to address several, recurrent problems with his team. He is not above reproach.
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You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.

understood, but you neglected to say that part about the millions of dollars and that he is not being held prisoner.
Please consider... you're a third-year coach of an undefeated ND team a few days before the national title game. When questioned, you assure the media that ND is the only job you're interested in. You say that if you find out that your assistant coaches are interviewing for another job, they better take it because they'll be gone. You make sure to exude loyalty and integrity at one of the great bastions of college football.

Then immediately after the title game you interview with the NFL for a potential head coaching job, then you run off and hide from everyone for three days after the story breaks, leaving the school, team, and its loyal fans in the lurch.
The most important thing to me is that I can see that Kelly wants to win. He seems frustrated during the games when players make mistakes. He has been dealing with a lot of adversity over the last several years. He isn't perfect but he is a good coach and eventually things will start falling in our favor. I would rather lose to a good team than live a lie and beat up on crappie teams.Kelly and Van Gorder have a lot of work to do developing the young talent. Let's just support our team and judge things at the end of the season.
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.

Please consider...... About sticking to Hoops.
The most important thing to me is that I can see that Kelly wants to win. He seems frustrated during the games when players make mistakes. He has been dealing with a lot of adversity over the last several years. He isn't perfect but he is a good coach and eventually things will start falling in our favor. I would rather lose to a good team than live a lie and beat up on crappie teams.Kelly and Van Gorder have a lot of work to do developing the young talent. Let's just support our team and judge things at the end of the season.

The most important thing is he wants to win?
Well I agree, that is quite the distinction, considering that 98% of college football coaches
are just in it for the shaving commercials and the broads.
I want to win too, may I coach ND football next year? Please?
Please consider... you're a third-year coach of an undefeated ND team a few days before the national title game. When questioned, you assure the media that ND is the only job you're interested in. You say that if you find out that your assistant coaches are interviewing for another job, they better take it because they'll be gone. You make sure to exude loyalty and integrity at one of the great bastions of college football.

Then immediately after the title game you interview with the NFL for a potential head coaching job, then you run off and hide from everyone for three days after the story breaks, leaving the school, team, and its loyal fans in the lurch.
Consistent with how he left Cincinnati.
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.
This can apply to any coach worth a lick of salt. Kelly's not alone on an island.
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.
Yes, that's called being the HC at Notre Dame, the most visible job in college. I think BK pretty much understands that after being there for this long. He get's paid very well to have sleepless nights.
You are a 54 year old football coach of the most tradition rich program in the nation and you have a family. It is mid August and you just have given your team every ounce of energy that you have and you finally get to go home and take a deep breath. After you were diligently preparing for an incredibly difficult schedule you finally get a short break and maybe it's the last one before a long season ahead.
Oh! But wait then your phone rings and you find out that multiple players on your team just got in serious trouble and now it's national headlines. Your life gets turned upside down again and your break time turns into chaos and more sleep deprivation. Your extra time needed for preparation turns into media interviews, police reports, parents, players and administration/alumni all breathing down your neck. Where is the time now to prepare for the season??
Next, you end up in Texas stadium 3 weeks later where the temperature and the humidity are almost your body temperature and you play in front of 100,000 wacka doodles.
I am not an advocate of Coach Kelly nor do I know him. But if you want to place some blame on this loss please include the players who are either disqualified or in the dog house for screwing up.
We all saw the problems this team has but ask yourself this question: Where would you find time to recruit, coach, father, husband, field media questions, watch film and then on top of this full schedule deal with legal issues regarding your players. Please give Coach Kelly a break. As we all learned a few weeks ago no one really knows what these players do in their spare time. If there are poor fundamentals shown on game day some does belong to the coach and some does belong to any of the players who lose their focus and make those poor choices both on and off the field.
Finally, please remember that back in the late spring whIle Kelly was on vacation one of his past players was murdered. Being a coach is a 24/7 job. What we need is a coach and a team that is full of life and confidence before the big games. Let's throw some support behind the program and let the chips fall where they may. Lou Holtz said, always evaluate in the end not in mid stream. There is a long season ahead. It's time to shake off the dust and move forward.
I have no problem with Kelly my problem is solely with BVG who was and is a terrible defensive coordinator who is not a great recruiter terrible speaker and bad at the x and o 's
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The Duke game is just as important as the Michigan State game. The Miami game is just as important as the Stanford game. Kelly needs to lead his team game by game and win every battle. Fortunately we have scrub teams like Nevada and Syracuse which should be automatic wins. If we can go unscathed through the end of October there is still a chance we make the playoffs because in November the schedule eases a bit. Kelly has that fire in his eye. He wants to win. He has to practice fundamentals repetitively like Holtz did and start preaching the ND spirit. Not everything his his fault. The players take ownership too both on and off the field. It would also help to have a well known proven linebackers coach on defense for recruiting as well as performance on the field.
I blame the defensive players for the loss especially the poor tacklers.
I blame the garbage refs who did not call targeting and allowed a TD to slip away for the loss.
I blame the 6 guys who got arrested and Alize Jones for not taking care of business in the classroom.
I blame the coaches for playing Nick Coleman and some other tactical errors for the loss too.
I do not blame the 2 QB system for the loss.
Considering the situation as a whole, I don't think Kelly is at fault as much as everyone thinks.
However, if these patterns continue then I would have to agree with the consensus opinion.
I blame the defensive players for the loss especially the poor tacklers.
I blame the garbage refs who did not call targeting and allowed a TD to slip away for the loss.
I blame the 6 guys who got arrested and Alize Jones for not taking care of business in the classroom.
I blame the coaches for playing Nick Coleman and some other tactical errors for the loss too.
I do not blame the 2 QB system for the loss.
Considering the situation as a whole, I don't think Kelly is at fault as much as everyone thinks.
However, if these patterns continue then I would have to agree with the consensus opinion.

In all our years of football ND had given up more than 50 points 6 times prior to kelly's arrival.

He's now done it twice in 6 years. No other coach did it more than once....

bvg authored the worst ppg against in ND history in 2014. 2015 was the 5th worst. He's on record pace this year.

Here's a pattern from TOS:

Hoopsstar, I agree with you. BK is not blameless but he is also not the main problem. Kelly did what he had to do to keep both Zaire and Kizer available for the season. I still think Zaire has great potential but recognize that Kizer is/should be the starter from here on out. Zaire will be the backup and if Kizer is injured, he will be successful.

I am concerned about BVG but he's not going to get canned during the season, and certainly not after the 1st game of the season. I'm not aware of anyone currently on the staff that would be an upgrade. There is no quality replacement available as they are all under contract for the rest of the season. We can all bitch as much as we want about BVG but it isn't going to do any good.

Finally, theskibro has some good posts, he seems a bit too wound up. This is college football. Neither Jack nor BK owe us anything. I haven't given ND a penny since I stopped paying tuition so have no right to demand that one or the other do something. I have no money at stake. I will continue to root for ND and will be disappointed with anything less than perfection but I've gotten pretty good at dealing with such disappointment and will continue to do so.