OT Alien Mothership

actually, the alien notion is the notion put out there by the Deep State , as a hedge for the biblical ‘rapture’; the missing many millions will be explained as an alien abduction. The 7 year tribulation will follow that event, the delay timeframe is open for debate. Hopefully my dear friends here will not be staying for the 7 years of Jacob‘s trouble. I wonder if the MSM will mention it? A lot of things are currently happening.
I for one believe in the Rapture, and it is IMO, immanent. My personal situation is, will I beat my cancer long enough to be part of it. If not then I awaken with the 1st group, the dead in Christ. Win Win!
There will be increasingly crazy notions, hypothesis, and events as we move closer to the time mentioned!

If you just took a 15-20 year mortgage out, congrats! you stiffed the bank/lenders!
Well at least this time they managed to get someone from academia to meekly vouch for them. And it's not only the US military/govt. and nobody else on earth of any credibility talking about it.

Obviously It's an extremely bad sign for society that the pentagon, it would appear, is making up stories about alien invasions, and no one's even effin' listening, or barely even bothering to discredit it....
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maybe it it al” a misunderstanding? they may be referring to the Mexican border?
Well at least this time they managed to get someone from academia to meekly vouch for them. And it's not only the US military/govt. and nobody else on earth of any credibility talking about it.

Obviously It's an extremely bad sign for society that the pentagon, it would appear, is making up stories about alien invasions, and no one's even effin' listening, or barely even bothering to discredit it....
Nobody seems to care in the media that we are showing eerily similar signs to the buildup before WW1 and WW2 either. Particularly in America, people are far too deep in their own arses tick ticking, protesting some dramatized or imaginary problem, playing victim about God only knows what now, avoiding mental health help, or in the case of many, far too deep in someone else’s arse (figuratively of course) to even remotely pay attention to the world or universe at large. We are weakening.
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Nobody seems to care in the media that we are showing eerily similar signs to the buildup before WW1 and WW2 either. Particularly in America, people are far too deep in their own arses tick ticking, protesting some dramatized or imaginary problem, playing victim about God only knows what now, avoiding mental health help, or in the case of many, far too deep in someone else’s arse (figuratively of course) to even remotely pay attention to the world or universe at large. We are weakening.
it will be a false flag event; remain calm
If they say, "take us to your leader" and we have to show them Biden....
Thanks California.

Michael Scott Wink GIF
I used to work with a guy that was convinced and openly discussed that he was an alien and that the mothership was coming for him and his group. This was years after the Heavens Gate crowd.

Guy was young, drug free, sober, seemed alert and relatively intelligent. Military vet that I believe had honorary discharge.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to him, this thread reminded me of him.
I used to work with a guy that was convinced and openly discussed that he was an alien and that the mothership was coming for him and his group. This was years after the Heavens Gate crowd.

Guy was young, drug free, sober, seemed alert and relatively intelligent. Military vet that I believe had honorary discharge.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to him, this thread reminded me of him.
He’s probably just a dem
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I used to work with a guy that was convinced and openly discussed that he was an alien and that the mothership was coming for him and his group. This was years after the Heavens Gate crowd.

Guy was young, drug free, sober, seemed alert and relatively intelligent. Military vet that I believe had honorary discharge.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to him, this thread reminded me of him.
did he have purple and yellow spots and a green tail? that’s their giveaway
actually, the alien notion is the notion put out there by the Deep State , as a hedge for the biblical ‘rapture’; the missing many millions will be explained as an alien abduction. The 7 year tribulation will follow that event, the delay timeframe is open for debate. Hopefully my dear friends here will not be staying for the 7 years of Jacob‘s trouble. I wonder if the MSM will mention it? A lot of things are currently happening.
I for one believe in the Rapture, and it is IMO, immanent. My personal situation is, will I beat my cancer long enough to be part of it. If not then I awaken with the 1st group, the dead in Christ. Win Win!
There will be increasingly crazy notions, hypothesis, and events as we move closer to the time mentioned!

If you just took a 15-20 year mortgage out, congrats! you stiffed the bank/lenders!
Back in the nineteen sixties while in college, I joined in watching a TV program entitled the "Invaders" with aliens taking over the earth using human form. After watching for awhile, I asked a fellow student how one could tell the difference between humans and aliens which basically all looked alike. The answer was that the aliens didn't bleed and had crocked little fingers. When I showed him the crooked little finger I got from a basketball accident he jumped out of his seat and left the room. Perhaps I will start looking around Washington DC to see who else has crooked fingers. Seems like there are.
Back in the nineteen sixties while in college, I joined in watching a TV program entitled the "Invaders" with aliens taking over the earth using human form. After watching for awhile, I asked a fellow student how one could tell the difference between humans and aliens which basically all looked alike. The answer was that the aliens didn't bleed and had crocked little fingers. When I showed him the crooked little finger I got from a basketball accident he jumped out of his seat and left the room. Perhaps I will start looking around Washington DC to see who else has crooked fingers. Seems like there are.
why not just ask them f they are Lib/Dem/Pedo’s?
Back in the nineteen sixties while in college, I joined in watching a TV program entitled the "Invaders" with aliens taking over the earth using human form. After watching for awhile, I asked a fellow student how one could tell the difference between humans and aliens which basically all looked alike. The answer was that the aliens didn't bleed and had crocked little fingers. When I showed him the crooked little finger I got from a basketball accident he jumped out of his seat and left the room. Perhaps I will start looking around Washington DC to see who else has crooked fingers. Seems like there are.
Sounds like we need the MIB crew.
why not just ask them f they are Lib/Dem/Pedo’s?
At the time it was still possible to be optimistic and a thinking individual. Times have changed. Maybe we do need an invasion of intelligent beings who have made it past crises like those we have now.
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At the time it was still possible to be optimistic and a thinking individual. Times have changed. Maybe we do need an invasion of intelligent beings who have made it past crises like those we have now.
those sightings and such are mentioned for the later times; they are most likely angelic beings: godly and ungodly.
they are not aliens except to humans! humans are aliens to them.
At the time it was still possible to be optimistic and a thinking individual. Times have changed. Maybe we do need an invasion of intelligent beings who have made it past crises like those we have now.
Yeah, you think so? Well then hopefully the government isn't openly lying to the public, in almost surreal fashion, by suggesting that there just might be an mothereffin' alien mothership, currently orbiting the sun, getting ready to make another pass at our precious little planet, the planet we are swiftly destroying to the point where it might not even be able sustain not just advanced human society, but any sort of life, at the rate we are quite possibly irrevocably devastating it...

Maybe that's why they're here! To save us from ourselves. How lucky would that be?? Or maybe they've been patiently observing us all this while, and they finally feel like it's time to step in....
There are many that have stated since the 40’s that we will begin seeing many UFO’s in the months to years before nuclear war. I assume one theory of this is that is because they’ve discovered some degree of time travel or rather some ability to see ahead and are here to watch the shit show.

Or another more plausible theory is they are centuries beyond our intelligence and posses a deeper kindness than humans, are monitoring us and are here to prevent it. One of the Apollo 14 astronauts, Edgar Mitchell stated this is his belief. There are reports by the US AF that UFOs are tampering with nuclear weapons.

The pentagon is also once again investigating whether or not UFOs are responsible for “turning off” war heads. Since the 1960’s, there have been countless reports from military personnel from all nations with nuclear weapons that aliens have been tampering with nukes.

I’m not convinced that I believe in aliens. However, I wouldn’t be shocked either way. If they do exist and have been here, they are very likely far beyond our intelligence, non threatening, view us in the way we view animals, and likely environmentalists to some degree, possibly trying to prevent nuclear fallout.
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There are many that have stated since the 40’s that we will begin seeing many UFO’s in the months to years before nuclear war. I assume one theory of this is that is because they’ve discovered some degree of time travel or rather some ability to see ahead and are here to watch the shit show.

Or another more plausible theory is they are centuries beyond our intelligence and posses a deeper kindness than humans, are monitoring us and are here to prevent it. One of the Apollo 14 astronauts, Edgar Mitchell stated this is his belief. There are reports by the US AF that UFOs are tampering with nuclear weapons.

The pentagon is also once again investigating whether or not UFOs are responsible for “turning off” war heads. Since the 1960’s, there have been countless reports from military personnel from all nations with nuclear weapons that aliens have been tampering with nukes.

I’m not convinced that I believe in aliens. However, I wouldn’t be shocked either way. If they do exist and have been here, they are very likely far beyond our intelligence, non threatening, view us in the way we view animals, and likely environmentalists to some degree, possibly trying to prevent nuclear fallout.
I agree with your last paragraph.
I guess I shouldn't be too dismissive of fantastic reports of alien motherships and whatnot, because the truth is I'm just as much of a 'believer' as anyone else, which is to say, now that I know about all these scattered reports, including this whole business of spacemen nobly attempting to deactivate the world's collective arsenal of nuclear bombs, which I hadn't heard of... it doesn't really matter if I 'believe it' or not. Truth is there is no such thing as 'belief'. One is either ignorant, or aware, of the existence or possible existence of something. And once you know about that possible existence, and are no longer ignorant, then there's no going back.

'Belief', as it were, is a form of desire, not one of understanding or cognition. And one tends to be reminded of that when contemplating the existence or not of UFOs.....