OT 4th of July


Posts Like A Champion
Jun 23, 2012

Someone emailed me one of the best descriptions of the Star Spangled Banner that I have ever seem. I
GO RIGHT Down To Irishalice' s posts and see her Red Skelton link and then
Go to her next post and she has my link also working ! You can then just skip the rest of this post. Just start with IRISHALICE'S first post, and go from there !
Happy 4th to all !
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Happy 4th to everyone, and HELP !
Someone emailed me one of the best descriptions of the Star Spangled Banner that I have ever seem. I thied to copy it an post ir here, but my computer technology is extremely limited.
If someone is interesting , perhaps they can list step by step for getting a reference from
It's source to here" ? "
Thanks !

You'll need to put it in one of your drive folders..
If you are using a Google Drive that works pretty easy for me

Semper Fi brother
I think I copied it but I come back on the board and The copy does not come up and I also se no Paste.
I need a lesson in " copying references for Dummies ! "
I wish I were more computer literate, but I just can not get into or keep up with the technology !
It took me a day to figure out how to put a picture of the Notre Dame Navy VCR tape

Is it a link
Just spitballing, but copy the link go to the message board go to the thread and right click and see if paste comes up.

If you done this then I feel stupid.
I am working on an iPod , no mouse
I wrote the whole link in, got you tub with message " could not open link "

Sorry brother I can't help you then.
I never had an Apple product never will own an Apple product.

I like mixing imagine too much.
Sorry brother I can't help you then.
I never had an Apple product never will own an Apple product.

I like mixing imagine too much.

Poet, my friend !
I got it ! Check my original post and try it. You'll love the link. Great for all Americans to really understand our history and our sacred flag !
Sorry brother I'm not getting anything

Did you click on the link on the top of my post ?
Then Facebook E mail search will come up.
Type in the leters yaxg ...... and the whole list of numbers will cone up bellow, just click on the first numbers under the search box ?
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Thank You Irishalice,
Great contribution! I used to love Red Skelton first on radio, movies, and finally
Just a question, would you please go back to my first post and let me know l
If you can get up my link ?
Thanks Alice, Enjoy the 4th. !
Thank You Irishalice,
Great contribution! I used to love Red Skelton first on radio, movies, and finally
Just a question, would you please go back to my first post and let me know l
If you can get up my link ?
Thanks Alice, Enjoy the 4th. !

Hope you and yours have a wonderful 4th too!
The link is up. :)
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Washington said, "The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is; he will die on his feet before he'll live on his knees."

"We will not falter: We shall not fail!" ---President Bush 9/11

The enemies of this Republic should remember these facts before attacking this nation.

GOD Bless the U. S. A.

Ask Chris Rock how he views this nation and the 4th of July. He sure likes the benefits of this great country while bitching about it all the way to the bank. More parades, flags, veterans, bque, and fireworks for everyone and dedicate this great day to that ingrate celebrity fool.
Happy Birthday America

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