Notre Dame boldly complicates the QB race between Deshone Kizer, Malik Zaire

Trust me on this: "trust no one"

wait trying to get Mardy Gilyard's feedback!
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thanks for the article. after reading it it reinforces my belief that kelly is doing exactly the right thing.

I felt the same way after watching the interviews with Zaire and Kizer instead of just hashing over printed sound-bytes. I really like both these kids. I like Zaire's intensity and competitiveness, and I like Kizer's poise and outlook. Two different styles. We're lucky to have them.

“He told us to trust him,” Zaire said, “and I don’t have a choice.”

And Deshone Kizer said:

"I have 100% trust in my head coach." He repeated that sentiment at least 3 times. He also said he and Zaire knew this "both QB's will play" decision was coming even before Kelly told them. So does it make sense to only focus on MZ's statements and not DK's?

You can hear DK's interview here (it begins at the 25:15 mark):
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I felt the same way after watching the interviews with Zaire and Kizer instead of just hashing over printed sound-bytes. I really like both these kids. I like Zaire's intensity and competitiveness, and I like Kizer's poise and outlook. Two different styles. We're lucky to have them.

NFL (not for long). I have a bad feeling about this. And lest we forget the very talented BW who's patiently waiting in the bullpen. Something's gotta give.
Maybe we should only recruit one good quarterback every four years, cross our fingers that he doesn't get hurt, and then we won't have any competition. Yes, that sounds about right. What is Kelly thinking?
And Deshone Kizer said:

"I have 100% trust in my head coach." He repeated that sentiment at least 3 times. He also said he and Zaire knew this "both QB's will play" decision was coming even before Kelly told them. So does it make sense to only focus on MZ's statements and not DK's?

You can hear DK's interview here (it begins at the 25:15 mark):

The butterball is known to play favorites.
Not to repeat myself but playing 2 QBs rarely works if at all. If Kelly is playing both against Texas to see who he wants to be the number 1 , fine. If he plans on playing 2 for more games, I think it will not work out. No QB wants to look over his shoulder thinking " when am I getting pulled". I know it sucks to be number 2. But that is the way it should be if you want to win. Trying to keep 2 happy means no one is happy.
I'm still pissed he couldn't outrun SBPD.

You are most likely not aware that one of the greatest WRs ND ever had was running from an underage drinking party just before he was to report to campus and was caught by a county police officer. That's a police officer wearing a weighed down belt, chasing a younger elite athlete, and still caught our esteemed Irish great. I know this to be true because it happened in my town and it was news in our local papers. This same esteemed athlete is now a professional who donates thousands to our local high school and youth programs.
You are most likely not aware that one of the greatest WRs ND ever had was running from an underage drinking party just before he was to report to campus and was caught by a county police officer. That's a police officer wearing a weighed down belt, chasing a younger elite athlete, and still caught our esteemed Irish great. I know this to be true because it happened in my town and it was news in our local papers. This same esteemed athlete is now a professional who donates thousands to our local high school and youth programs.
Was he carrying the keg?
Aint't that the truth, see Cam macdaniel, Calabrese, Schmitt, just to name a few. I think this year it will be Martini playing in front of Coney. Stay tuned
so tell us, what recently banned dolt are you ? shouldn't take too long to figure it out >
The butterball is known to play favorites.

Playing favorites is only a valid criticism if the favorite is undeserving of preferred status. You might be right that Kelly has played an undeserving favorite in the past but we are talking about a new specific situation here.

So two questions:

1. Who is Kelly's favorite between Zaire and Kizer, and what evidence do you have to support your answer?

2. If you believe Kizer is Kelly's favorite, in what way did his play and demeanor last year indicate that he does not deserve preferred status?
Playing favorites is only a valid criticism if the favorite is undeserving of preferred status. You might be right that Kelly has played an undeserving favorite in the past but we are talking about a new specific situation here.

So two questions:

1. Who is Kelly's favorite between Zaire and Kizer, and what evidence do you have to support your answer?

2. If you believe Kizer is Kelly's favorite, in what way did his play and demeanor last year indicate that he does not deserve preferred status?

"You might be right that Kelly has played an undeserving favorite in the past..."

I rest my case.
"You might be right that Kelly has played an undeserving favorite in the past..."

I rest my case.
No, you didn't make a case at all. You didn't provide Zaire's comments to solely criticize Kelly's past actions. You were trying to lump this specific current decision with your overall criticism and now you can't support that criticism with a rational argument even when challenged.