Nick Martin - Icon Video

There was a certain poster on this board that will be left unnamed (Purse) who called Nick Martin the weak link of the Irish Oline (probably because he was rated a 3 star by recruiting services). I do not share that extremely (even by that unnamed poster's ,Purse, low standards) ignorant opinion.
Nick Martin is the leader of the Oline and a powerful force in the middle. He is what Notre Dame football is all about. (hard work and excellence and a great team mate ). He will be playing in the NFL in the future.
Pardon me but it's early. What did he mean by "15 of them." Thanks!

Like the poster above said, it was one for all the lineman because the game ball went to the offensive line. After Martin said "We need 15" Kelly asked "You need 15?" and he said "Yeah coach, there's 15 of us." Its at about the 7 minute mark of the linked video.

That's a pretty tight group.