ND35 andIIO


ND Expert
Oct 24, 2005
Are they still around this site? I'm not as much as I was but I sure miss the recruiting info by both and IIO's analysis.
He read everything. His posts were basically a summary of every major article related to ND recruiting out there that was freely accessible. Takes a lot of dedication to read that much material and then share it with others.
Man I miss 35. Loved his recruiting updates and sense of humor. Always wondered how he got the inside info.


I tried sending a request - on here - to jeannette, for word on 35's well being. I will try a message to her by email.
My concern is more that he is happy n well and then inviting his return. It's about him.

As for the recruiting info, cool9 and D_Master did a fine job last week. The information is out there, but does need some cross boards digging.