My ND glass is 95% FULL for 2016!!!

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Of course I am disappointed with losing a winnable game. BUT this ND team DID NOT QUIT, FOUGHT HARD, at times PLAYED WELL and showed ALOT of TALENT!!! All of which bodes well for WINNING OUT!!!

Sadly texas became a much better team and played very well. Sadly our defense still needs work--especially on deep balls.

After seeing the other teams there is not a team on our schedule that ND should not defeat. 13 & 1......starting with Nevada.

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I can agree with "Of course I am disappointed with losing a winnable game. BUT this ND team DID NOT QUIT, FOUGHT HARD, at times PLAYED WELL and showed ALOT of TALENT!!!"

But not "All of which bodes well for WINNING OUT!!!" Right now, to me, it looks like another 8-4 season. Don't see us beating MSU, Stanford or USC. And we may even lose to a couple other teams unless our defense tightens up quickly.
winning out = opportunity to get a national televised beatdown by a legit contender.
better the 'day ole beer bowl'

there is a benefit to staff stability and continuity when it is percieved that the needle is pointing upwards.
But, think Strong, Harbaugh, Sweeney...; these guys are accomplishing things in a couple years what Kelly has been unable to do in 7. Now the term 'unable' is key. Kelly is willing, but, ND is beyond Kelly's level of expertise. It is not Kelly's fault, it is just his level of ability.
That is not really a criticism as it is reality. It just is. The Peter Principle.

This no longer needs to be further pointed out nor debated: Occam's razor.

ND is now back in the same position as ND was when Weis went 3-9; that is the obvious has smacked fans in the face. Sure 8-4 is much better. But if your drowning, it does not matter how deep the water is.
People will believe what they want to believe, until reality makes it impossible to do so any longer.

348: friend, your a great ND fan and 'loyal to a fault'.
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I don't know how anyone could watch our D last night and think we can run the table. I love the positivity but I simply cannot ignore those substantial shortcomings. I picked ND to be 9-3 and I do still believe they can hit that mark but they will have to outscore teams a lot more than expected and bvg is going to have to get his shit together. The safeties are obviously a huge mess.
winning out = opportunity to get a national televised beatdown by a legit contender.
better the 'day ole beer bowl'

there is a benefit to staff stability and continuity when it is percieved that the needle is pointing upwards.
But, think Strong, Harbaugh, Sweeney...; these guys are accomplishing things in a couple years what Kelly has been unable to do in 7. Now the term 'unable' is key. Kelly is willing, but, ND is beyond Kelly's level of expertise. It is not Kelly's fault, it is just his level of ability.
That is not really a criticism as it is reality. It just is. The Peter Principle.

This no longer needs to be further pointed out nor debated: Occam's razor.

ND is now back in the same position as ND was when Weis went 3-9; that is the obvious has smacked fans in the face. Sure 8-4 is much better. But if your drowning, it does not matter how deep the water is.
People will believe what they want to believe, until reality makes it impossible to do so any longer.

348: friend, your a great ND fan and 'loyal to a fault'.
I know you are a troll but strong was a name you put on the list? In year two BK went 12-0 and played in a title. In year two at ut strong was nearly canned. Up your troll game.
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The 2016 ND team MUST be an offensive team that should score EVERY possession. Throw in some good special team scores and young DB's that must learn fast and we can WIN OUT!!!

The IRISH did NOT quit---neither will true fans!!!

Again msu, stan, socal ALL showed they can be beat.......GET BETTER!!!
I know you are a troll but strong was a name you put on the list? In year two BK went 12-0 and played in a title. In year two at ut strong was nearly canned. Up your troll game.

and the damage control gang wants 2012 as there mantra? good grief.

Occam's razor: Peter principle.
and the damage control gang wants 2012 as there mantra? good grief.

Occam's razor: Peter principle.
Explain strong on that list of guys in year two that have accomplished something and I'll take you seriously. I'll be patient but I suspect you'll ignore or repeat like a cockatoo this same gibberish. Also, look at my previous post before that one, it's very realistic. I'm probably delusional thinking a troll would engage me rationally but I thought I'd try once and then the board can see for all either the continued gibberish or if you can add something, anything of value.
napy you should have waited till the others arrived to start the spin cycle: btw you're on ignore.
and hopefully your arguments finally fall on deaf ears here!
Hmmmmm.....are the guys that are now wishing diaco was DC the same guys that wished him gone?

This team needs to TRUST our young players--both WR's & DB"s and NEVER QUIT!!!

well, 348

if you sell us a 'new and improved' product, but then when we get it home it does not work, our original goal of new and improved was not the problem. The product is the problem.

(Diaco left, not fired)
I agree BGI 348 as I just said in another thread that our irish have a really good shot at being 2-1 toward the end of sept because of Nevada being very winnable and also because mich st looked like crap on offense Friday night against furman who are a non div 1 team
consider the possibility that Kelly finishes his current contract with the similar result as we have seen: decent seasonal records but no NC and no major post season W.
12 years: twice that of any prior ND head coach w/o such a W.
Consider Weis, Ty and Davie years and the contracts.

Add all the contracts up and consider that total vs the possible result (Kelly 'continuing' as is)
What is that? must be like 50 mill?

In retrospect would 50 mill/ 5years have gotten Meyers attention?
and if so, it would have made getting a successor much easier.

Ah, what might have been.

If things go this way to 2021, hindsight - ugh!
winning out = opportunity to get a national televised beatdown by a legit contender.
better the 'day ole beer bowl'

there is a benefit to staff stability and continuity when it is percieved that the needle is pointing upwards.
But, think Strong, Harbaugh, Sweeney...; these guys are accomplishing things in a couple years what Kelly has been unable to do in 7. Now the term 'unable' is key. Kelly is willing, but, ND is beyond Kelly's level of expertise. It is not Kelly's fault, it is just his level of ability.
That is not really a criticism as it is reality. It just is. The Peter Principle.

This no longer needs to be further pointed out nor debated: Occam's razor.

ND is now back in the same position as ND was when Weis went 3-9; that is the obvious has smacked fans in the face. Sure 8-4 is much better. But if your drowning, it does not matter how deep the water is.
People will believe what they want to believe, until reality makes it impossible to do so any longer.

348: friend, your a great ND fan and 'loyal to a fault'.
The Pollyanna s are still here . Unbelievable after last night and last 2 yrs. ND pays BVG a million per yr and a Schollie for his son. Exactly what are we getting for it... jack s..t! Basic principle of defense in any sport. Keep your man in front of you and prevent the other team from scoring.And if they score make them earn it. If you can't do that reliably. You got Nothing!!! All the X and O s , sub-packages are meaningless . If you can't do the basics then everything else is null and void. It's hard to stomach the mediocrity that we've established and some fans justify. The Van Gorder experiment has been an abysmal failure. Simple as that. Longo has been a failure. The evidence is on the field. 2 very bad hires that don't get remedied bc to do so would req Kelly to admit to a major mistake. Hence it continues on... Unacceptable
there is hope for the young fans: 2022 will be a banner year! Irish eyes will be smiling once again!
(unless Jack gives Kelly another extension, before he heads out the door !)
there is hope for the young fans: 2022 will be a banner year! Irish eyes will be smiling once again!
(unless Jack gives Kelly another extension, before he heads out the door !)
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IMO there is a time & place for STAFF decisions.......that is NOT now. Everyone needs to get better....just as BK stated. I too expect the 2016 Irish to be a BETTER team vs socal than vs texas.

Why don't you p
12-0 (2022) let me be the 1st!
Foster Sarell, Trey Smith and Baron Browning are lining up now to enlist. Very soon the question will be not how ND finishes this recruiting class but how many we will lose of current verbals. I'm sure that elite DT recruit in VA is chomping at the bit right now to play in the Van Gorder defense. Hey we were close to getting or so it appeared but no cigar. .. again
Hey I AM STILL PROUD of ND!!! Today I saw a young kid proudly wearing his ND shirt.......if recruits do not see the potential they are not RKG's.

Irish Baby!!!
IMHO Texas is a decent team at best. The pundits , including the TV guys in the booth, collectively willed Texas a win. Experience. Recruiting. Record breaking home crowd. ND responded with a horrific defensive showing and a coma like coaching staff. Through all this, it took the Longhorns two OTs to win the damn game. Texas will not face another defense like the one they faced last night. There is actual film on their offense now. A smart DC will know how to handle that 18 Wheeler offense or whatever they call it. I think the TV booth guys were a bit premature when they yelled out "Texas is back" after the winning TD. BTW: were they supposed to do that? The jury is just as much out for Texas as it is for ND this season. I do like Coach Strong and hope he has a successful career at Texas.
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IMHO Texas is a decent team at best. The pundits , including the TV guys in the booth, collectively willed Texas a win. Experience. Recruiting. Record breaking home crowd. ND responded with a horrific defensive showing and a coma like coaching staff. Through all this, it took the Longhorns two OTs to win the damn game. Texas will not face another defense like the one they faced last night. There is actual film on their offense now. A smart DC will know how to handle that 18 Wheeler offense or whatever they call it. I think the TV booth guys were a bit premature when they yelled out "Texas is back" after the winning TD. BTW: were they supposed to do that? The jury is just as much out for Texas as it is for ND this season. I do like Coach Strong and hope he has a successful career at Texas.
I second that
I can agree with "Of course I am disappointed with losing a winnable game. BUT this ND team DID NOT QUIT, FOUGHT HARD, at times PLAYED WELL and showed ALOT of TALENT!!!"

But not "All of which bodes well for WINNING OUT!!!" Right now, to me, it looks like another 8-4 season. Don't see us beating MSU, Stanford or USC. And we may even lose to a couple other teams unless our defense tightens up quickly.
Agreed. We should be happy with 8-4.
Of course I am disappointed with losing a winnable game. BUT this ND team DID NOT QUIT, FOUGHT HARD, at times PLAYED WELL and showed ALOT of TALENT!!! All of which bodes well for WINNING OUT!!!

Sadly texas became a much better team and played very well. Sadly our defense still needs work--especially on deep balls.

After seeing the other teams there is not a team on our schedule that ND should not defeat. 13 & 1......starting with Nevada.

Get a clue. Under Kelly they always lose games like sunday. What is with people like you?
winning out = opportunity to get a national televised beatdown by a legit contender.
better the 'day ole beer bowl'

there is a benefit to staff stability and continuity when it is percieved that the needle is pointing upwards.
But, think Strong, Harbaugh, Sweeney...; these guys are accomplishing things in a couple years what Kelly has been unable to do in 7. Now the term 'unable' is key. Kelly is willing, but, ND is beyond Kelly's level of expertise. It is not Kelly's fault, it is just his level of ability.
That is not really a criticism as it is reality. It just is. The Peter Principle.

This no longer needs to be further pointed out nor debated: Occam's razor.

ND is now back in the same position as ND was when Weis went 3-9; that is the obvious has smacked fans in the face. Sure 8-4 is much better. But if your drowning, it does not matter how deep the water is.
People will believe what they want to believe, until reality makes it impossible to do so any longer.

348: friend, your a great ND fan and 'loyal to a fault'.

Purse, enemy. you're not a ND fan and you are"a disloyal piece of Scum" !! You are always giddy after an Irish loss and a Debbie downer when the Irish win.
Purse, enemy. you're not a ND fan and you are"a disloyal piece of Scum" !! You are always giddy after an Irish loss and a Debbie downer when the Irish win.
Give me a break. Legit criticism is not disloyal and it's all legit at this point. To ignore the obvious and bury your head in the sand is what ??? A good ND football fan by your definition?

seems your statement about Recruiting and RKG's is spot on.
They are apparently not willing to come and play for BVG/BK combo.
If recruiting goes in the tiolet, nothing left to do but flush.
Give me a break. Legit criticism is not disloyal and it's all legit at this point. To ignore the obvious and bury your head in the sand is what ??? A good ND football fan by your definition?


seems your statement about Recruiting and RKG's is spot on.
They are apparently not willing to come and play for BVG/BK combo.
If recruiting goes in the tiolet, nothing left to do but flush.

For you posters that don't think Purse is a troll read his post. 30,000 of the same antiND bs.