Shakes Down The Thunder
Nov 6, 2011
Watching Notre Dame sports for all of these years, with football being my passion. I wanted to recognize coaches Harry Hiestand, Autry Denson and Mike Sanford for the job that they have done preparing our players on this past year. I cannot recall a team suffering so many injuries to top tier players, and the next man has stepped in and performed so well and the team not miss a beat. I wanted to ensure that they receive credit and deservedly so. Great job, gentlemen!
Agreed! I was going to try to rank them in importance but I realized that while Sanfords job with the qb's development, and play calling[maybe?] was something I don't believe Kelly could have managed without him, at least not the relationship part! This might not have worked so well without Heistands' three year effort in recruiting coaching and relationship building. Finally the preparation done by Denson after one starter is suspended, then transfers , the second goes down in the first quarter of the first game and the third is also banged up, meanwhile we get the best rushing results since that little guy with the lisp was chewing grass on the sidelines! Just Wow! Kudos all around!