more arrested

everything starts to look good this year and these idiots do this. at least no cheating yet
if this story is true in part or full, none of these guys will ever be back with the team!

looks like ND will again have a short roster in'16.
anyone got a 'net' scholarship count if/when/after these guys get the boot?
The off season was too quiet

Simply kids being dumb-asses! I see a minimum of a few games, if not the season.
I recall a story many years ago about some kids, grade school kids, who got stopped while driving a van and upon search the van had a cargo of weapons from handguns to automatic weapons!
Telling my co worker: his only response was, 'where did they get a Van?'
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The off season was too quiet

Simply kids being dumb-asses! I see a minimum of a few games, if not the season.

They are not "kids". This is the biggest problem with this nonsense. They are young men who have the capacity to think. They should be given no quarter for this nonsense. They all need to be removed from the team period. As for school, I don't know the ND procedures for due process.
Another drama right before the season starts. No shock that these kids were smoking weed but to have a loaded handgun (assuming no license to carry) is ridiculous. The usual suspension for weed is a semester so none of these players will play this season and the three associated with the handgun will be gone from the university, IMO.
This isn't kids being dumb. They are most likely habitual pot smokers. They are all probably high during the game too.
The off season was too quiet

Simply kids being dumb-asses! I see a minimum of a few games, if not the season.
Once again, chicken littles coming out of the woodwork.These are for the most part 19-20 year old kids. How many wrong choices did you make at that age? The gun charge is bad. Redfield and Butler have been at ND long enough to know bettter. Theyb should be true leaders on the team. Reese and the lb[Carlino or something] didn't get expelled but Butler should? Redfield,it ain't first indiscretion. Butler shouldmaybe be suspended for year .BUT IT AIN'T MY CALL. Let he who is without sin cast stones. Better drop the stones,fellas!
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Once again these aren't students just partying. They are in a vehicle speeding down the road with weapons. These are pot heads who are driving into bad areas to buy their drugs. That's why they need guns in case they get shot at. In light of what happened with Greg Bryant I would boot these guys ASAP.
So my wife thinks expel them all. myself based on the gun charge at least `1 should be expelled if they fess up otherwise all should be expelled. this dummy could not even register the gun. what a dope. it would be a non reported issue if he did that. and all of this would have been punished to some varying degree but not where its headed , really we do not need thugs and as my wife said they did not appreciate the honor and opportunity to go to this school. I cannot argue with that
Registered or not, the gun is not allowed anywhere on ND property. And that includes the White Field on game days for all of us fans.
Once again, chicken littles coming out of the woodwork.These are for the most part 19-20 year old kids. How many wrong choices did you make at that age? The gun charge is bad. Redfield and Butler have been at ND long enough to know bettter. Theyb should be true leaders on the team. Reese and the lb[Carlino or something] didn't get expelled but Butler should? Redfield,it ain't first indiscretion. Butler shouldmaybe be suspended for year .BUT IT AIN'T MY CALL. Let he who is without sin cast stones. Better drop the stones,fellas!
Hey Cheech, put down the bong.
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Registered or not, the gun is not allowed anywhere on ND property. And that includes the White Field on game days for all of us fans.

My point is : It may be Notre Dame policy however, it would not have been reported if he took the time to fill out a form with the county government. it is more bad decision making. Responsible people follow the law
what exactly is being argued?

do some ND fans feel the matter is being mishandled? how so?

it seems like decisive action was taken while reserving further actions till all the facts and interviews were accomplished and until ND is aware of what legal troubles/charges the players will face.

That seems the correct way to handle the matter.
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Maybe Chris Carter was right after all? :D They couldn't find a fall guy? Hell, if you're going to be dumb, at least be smart about it. Send just ONE guy with a gun into the hood to buy drugs. You don't ALL need to go.

Seriously though, I have ZERO sympathy for them. If the football and educational opportunities don't mean enough to you to follow the most basic and understood of rules, then you don't deserve them.