Mondays press clipping should read as such.


Future coach
Nov 21, 2016
Longhorns athletics director Mike Perrin said in a statement that "after through evaluation, the body of work over three season has not shown the improvement we were hoping for. This was an important year for our program to take the next step, and the results simply aren't there, so we've decided to make a change."

Strong released a statement saying he understands "it comes down to wins and losses and we have not done our job in that area."

Enter Swarbrick and Kelly where needed. I cant think of a better summation than our current state. Frame those names in the quotes and its perfectly stated imo.
Longhorns athletics director Mike Perrin said in a statement that "after through evaluation, the body of work over three season has not shown the improvement we were hoping for. This was an important year for our program to take the next step, and the results simply aren't there, so we've decided to make a change."

Strong released a statement saying he understands "it comes down to wins and losses and we have not done our job in that area."

Enter Swarbrick and Kelly where needed. I cant think of a better summation than our current state. Frame those names in the quotes and its perfectly stated imo.

If it only ended at wins-and-losses. We've had arrests, academic scandals, David Grimes pushed, red-faced rants, Toledo, Catfishing, "I-not-we," BVG, and a ton of other problems.
Agree its just time man. Seriously lets go get a guy that has us proud to turn on the set Saturdays. Not like its year 3 or he's had multiple 10 win seasons! Had Kelly won at least 10 games 4 seasons i dont believe many of us would be calling for his job. It boils down to not being as successful as you should have with the talent you have surrounded yourself with. The other antics, and tragedies, and the downright arrogance of not shouldering enough of the blame. Thats my reasoning for termination. Sorry we deserve better. Times like this i envy Clemson Bama OSU there are others. Just wish we were in that class of football rt. now. With the right hire i think its attainable.
If it only ended at wins-and-losses. We've had arrests, academic scandals, David Grimes pushed, red-faced rants, Toledo, Catfishing, "I-not-we," BVG, and a ton of other problems.

Add USC blowout, poor sportsmanship and disgraceful personal fouls. This team has really blossomed under this red-faced buffoon.

Not sure the situations are similar. Strong had 3 straight losing seasons. BK went to the national championship in his 3rd and is experiencing his first losing season, a year after 10 wins. Don't get this confused as 'support' but the comparison is awful.