Mental toughness.


Fighting Irish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Mental toughness.

As a 14-point first-half lead evaporated into a seven-point deficit, the Irish responded by forcing a pair of turnovers and embarking on consecutive drives of 90 and 91 yards, respectively.

“It turned some question marks into exclamation points relative to their mental toughness today,” Kelly said of Notre Dame’s performance in the 41-31 win over its rival.

Fans,,,, not so much
I agree. ND players marched 90 yards twice and picked off two passes when it counted most, against a team that (at least according to the rating services) has tons more talent than ND.
Yeah,, good thing ND players are not subject to histrionics like the threads here during the game....
Yeah,, good thing ND players are not subject to histrionics like the threads here during the game....

I think the thing to remember is that many people use this board as a place to vent. So you sit there watching a play, it turns out bad, so you yell out a curse word and type in a post.

I know I've said things I'd take back even a play or two later, but I'm beginning to think it's better not to post at all during the game.
HDK, good point,,, no better place to vent ,,,, some interesting - some sick.
All the Best.