Looks like Patriots had no


Posts Like A Champion
Nov 1, 2008
Real interest in Floyd ,for up coming season . Patriots supposedly getting speedy wide receiver Brandin Cooks ( Patriots can extend the offense down the field)

Floyd's agent and family better get on his case , deal with his drinking and also Floyd better work his tail off in off season to get himself in shape . Or he might be an ex football player who is bankrupt by 30
The Patriots are a football machine. If the parts don't work or fit, they get rid of them and find replacements. Their pickups already at WR, TE and DE have just made them that much stronger. Floyd's situation is on him.
Floyd is now a free agent, correct? And by claiming him off waivers last year, the Patriots are owed a conditional draft pick by anyone that now signs Floyd.

That's why they picked him up. No more, no less.

And that's why the Patriots are the Patriots.
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Floyd is now a free agent, correct? And by claiming him off waivers last year, the Patriots are owed a conditional draft pick by anyone that now signs Floyd.

That's why they picked him up. No more, no less.

And that's why the Patriots are the Patriots.
The Jags could use a very good WR
Floyd is now a free agent, correct? And by claiming him off waivers last year, the Patriots are owed a conditional draft pick by anyone that now signs Floyd.

That's why they picked him up. No more, no less.

And that's why the Patriots are the Patriots.

I could be wrong, but...

Since the Patriots didn't tender Floyd, I don't think they get a Draft Pick from whoever signs Floyd.
As far as a compensatory pick goes, I don't think they would get one of those either, since they did not actually draft Floyd.

If I'm right about that, I would like to see the Packers bring Floyd in on a 2-year deal, with minimal guaranteed money, but tons of incentives.

Drinking-and-Driving is the state sport of Wisconsin, so he wouldn't have to worry about that here. And playing with Aaron Rodgers could certainly help to rehabilitate his career.
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Wisconsin is among the national leaders in DUI accidents and fatalities, which has earned them the dishonor as one of the most dangerous states to drive in. Just a little research shows that Wisconsin is the only state which does not consider a first time DUI a crime. People die. Families die. Little ones die. All because of selfish ignorant people who drink and drive. I hardly would believe that Michael Floyd would take his problem so light hearted. I hope he gets himself healed but I have no pity for him at all.
Wisconsin is among the national leaders in DUI accidents and fatalities, which has earned them the dishonor as one of the most dangerous states to drive in. Just a little research shows that Wisconsin is the only state which does not consider a first time DUI a crime. People die. Families die. Little ones die. All because of selfish ignorant people who drink and drive. I hardly would believe that Michael Floyd would take his problem so light hearted. I hope he gets himself healed but I have no pity for him at all.

I can tell you as an absolute fact that a 1st Time DUI in Wisconsin is a crime.

If you mean "it's not a felony", that's true....but that's also the case in many other states.

Wisconsin has a major DUI problem, not denying that (thus my joke about it being our "state sport").........but this post is simply #FakeNews or #AlternativeFacts....whatever the kids are saying these days

Floyd should definitely head on up to Greenbay though! Packers players couldn't get a DUI if they tried!!
"Wisconsin is the only state in the country to consider a first time DUI a non criminal offense".....John Vose, Wisconsin MADD. If that has changed, give the source and I will amend that part of my comments. I know some state legislators were trying to make a change but I don't know if they succeeded. It's tough to find anything real recent but the latest shows Wisconsin ranked 4th as one of the most dangerous places to drive thanks to drunk drivers. If that has changed, supply the source and I will amend that part of my comments. In the meantime, my commentary stands. Zero tolerance. None. No pity. My wife's maternal grandparents were killed head on by a miserable drunk. He survived. MF needs to get healed STAT. Football is secondary.
"Wisconsin is the only state in the country to consider a first time DUI a non criminal offense".....John Vose, Wisconsin MADD. If that has changed, give the source and I will amend that part of my comments. I know some state legislators were trying to make a change but I don't know if they succeeded. It's tough to find anything real recent but the latest shows Wisconsin ranked 4th as one of the most dangerous places to drive thanks to drunk drivers. If that has changed, supply the source and I will amend that part of my comments. In the meantime, my commentary stands. Zero tolerance. None. No pity. My wife's maternal grandparents were killed head on by a miserable drunk. He survived. MF needs to get healed STAT. Football is secondary.

Not only do your comments not stand, they're idiotic.

If you really want to try and maintain your ridiculous position, at least read the law yourself:
Wisconsin's Update to Date DUI Statute
Pay special attention to Wis. Stat. 346.65(2)(am)(1)....note that it is a violation of a CRIMINAL STATUTE even on your 1st DUI conviction in Wisconsin, the punishment is just fairly low (fine only, no jail time).

Wisconsin has a drinking and driving culture (thus my joke), but your use of "Alternative Facts" is exactly the type of behavior that completely discredits people working for change.
Try to remember that. You're doing actual harm by spouting lunacy like this, as is the idiot you're quoting.

But, back to football....

Floyd should come on down the Green Bay on a nice, cheap, team friendly deal. He's already great at our 2 favorite sports:
#1.) DUI
#2.) Football
Which fact is false? The one about Wisconsin's dangerous roads ranking the state 4th in the nation because of DUI incidents or the fact that first time DUI offenders are treated very soft or the fact that I said some in the Wisconsin legislature are working to change that or the fact that you believe the MADD rep has made an intentional false statement in his comment? First time DUI is apparently nothing more than a citation in the Badger state. If that is alternative facts, then the actual truth must be a real doozy. My comments stand despite your desperate personal attacks.
Which fact is false? The one about Wisconsin's dangerous roads ranking the state 4th in the nation because of DUI incidents or the fact that first time DUI offenders are treated very soft or the fact that I said some in the Wisconsin legislature are working to change that or the fact that you believe the MADD rep has made an intentional false statement in his comment? First time DUI is apparently nothing more than a citation in the Badger state. If that is alternative facts, then the actual truth must be a real doozy. My comments stand despite your desperate personal attacks.

Lol. Hysterical.
Didn't read the statute at all, did you?
Or do you just not know what your own idiotic comment was??

Your comment:
"Wisconsin is the only state which does not consider a first time DUI a crime"

That is factually incorrect. It's not debateable.
That is an "Alternative Fact", "Fact News", or whatever else you want to call it...not to mention it's completely moronic.

Next time you decide to run your mouth, try not to be completely, 100%, verifiably makes it so that your idiocy ends up hurting the point you're trying to make and the cause you're trying to forward

Or better yet, since you don't know what your talking about....just go ahead and keep your mouth shut completely
I don't know what is worse. You making light of the drinking and driving in Wisconsin or you encouraging Michael Floyd to come to Wisconsin where he can drink, drive, and not suffer the consequences. Spinning facts as you see it doesn't make it true. Just your reaction is typical of someone who is spinning and has nothing. My comments stand no matter how many tantrums you perform for this board.
I don't know what is worse. You making light of the drinking and driving in Wisconsin or you encouraging Michael Floyd to come to Wisconsin where he can drink, drive, and not suffer the consequences. Spinning facts as you see it doesn't make it true. Just your reaction is typical of someone who is spinning and has nothing. My comments stand no matter how many tantrums you perform for this board.

So citing the actual law is "spinning the facts" now?


So you've managed to convince yourself that even though the law literally directly contradicts what you've're somehow still in the right.

You're the worst kind of person.
- You have no idea what you're talking about, but you just keep running your mouth
- You're sooooo stupid, that it's easy to PROVE that what you're saying is wrong
- Even when someone provides irrefutable proof that you're just keep spewing your stupidity
- As you continue on and on with your moronic ranting about actually damage the cause you're trying to talk about
- This happens because normal people assume that everyone who supports the cause is as stupid as you and is also just making up facts to trump up the cause

Again, you made a statement that was 100% INCORRECT as to Wisconsin law. As a law student in Wisconsin, I called you out on your inaccuracy....and you proceeded to double down on your stupidity.

Stop it.
People like you end up doing nearly as much damage as actual drunk drivers.

You're part of the problem!
So back to football!!

Floyd should come on up to Green Bay.

He could rehabilitate his career with Aaron Rodgers without having to go to rehab...because DUI is our #2 state sport!!
(attention @Toby Smart, this is an example of a sarcastic joke....get it now?)
So, you do agree with me that Wisconsin is the only state in the union that doesn't criminalize first time offenses. It's more of a civil offense. Being a law student and all, I would think you would do a little less internet screaming and personal attacking and more listening and comprehending to what the other person is saying. Glad you see it my way which is the way of Wisconsin law. It's also true that there are stiffer penalties for repeat offenders, so Scott Walker has identified a problem and is working hard to save innocent lives. You really need to work on your courtroom presentation. I'll be happy to advise for a small stipend.
So, you do agree with me that Wisconsin is the only state in the union that doesn't criminalize first time offenses. It's more of a civil offense. Being a law student and all, I would think you would do a little less internet screaming and personal attacking and more listening and comprehending to what the other person is saying. Glad you see it my way which is the way of Wisconsin law. It's also true that there are stiffer penalties for repeat offenders, so Scott Walker has identified a problem and is working hard to save innocent lives. You really need to work on your courtroom presentation. I'll be happy to advise for a small stipend.

You simply don't get the difference between a criminal and civil offense. DUI is 100%, and without debate, a criminal offense in the state of Wisconsin.

For irrefutable proof, see the CRIMINAL STATUTE posted above.

You're 100% wrong in you're comment.
But you've doubled and tripled down on it, as if you have some idea what you're talking about.
Heck, every time single time you post you show anyother aspect of how little you know.

You're undebateably wrong, and you have been this whole time.

Admit it, accept your unmitigated stupidity, and next time you're thinking about running your mouth on a topic you don't understand.......remain quiet

Morons like you a major problem for actually promoting positive change.

You give opposition an easy strawman to destroy, and make it look like the actual reasons that motivate change have been debunked....when really all that's happened is some moron has been exposed
@Toby Smart here's another link to the Wisconsin DUI case you're not bright enough to go back and find the last one

Please note that all actions under this statute brought by the state are CRIMINAL actions

Here's a quick link on the difference between criminal and civil actions....since you don't have a clue
Try not to be such an idiot next time

There is nothing that's "kind of a civil action", unless you're going to get into the post-criminal-trial motions (Habeas Corpus, etc.)

Either something is a criminal action, or a civil action.......simple as that
OK, here's a free tip but from now on it will cost. You cannot act like a snowflake in court like you have in this thread. If your law professors are teaching this , then stop ASAP. People will challenge you. People will differ from you. People will have opinions not like yours. You cannot throw a tantrum and take to name calling and insults because you have been challenged. The snowflake offense only work on each other. It won't work in the courtroom or with sane people. My comments and opinions stand as stated. Snowflake or no snowflake. (At this point, I drop the microphone and leave the room).
OK, here's a free tip but from now on it will cost. You cannot act like a snowflake in court like you have in this thread. If your law professors are teaching this , then stop ASAP. People will challenge you. People will differ from you. People will have opinions not like yours. You cannot throw a tantrum and take to name calling and insults because you have been challenged. The snowflake offense only work on each other. It won't work in the courtroom or with sane people. My comments and opinions stand as stated. Snowflake or no snowflake. (At this point, I drop the microphone and leave the room).


Please tell me that you think tossing around the term "snowflake" in some way covers for the fact that you were 100% WRONG.

People as stupid as you, who think they know something because they're old....crack me up.

Sorry gramps, the world has passed you by.

Here are some facts for you:
#1. DUI is a criminal offense in Wisconsin, even at the 1st offense
#2. Fact #1 cannot be debated by anyone without them comically trying to ignore reality
#3. Anyone who tries to debate fact #1 is so stupid, they're not worth speaking with
#4. Anyone debating fact #1 is actively doing a disservice to whatever point they're pathetically attempting to make

It's been great watching a moron like you attempt to deflect the fact that you ran your mouth.......and were completely and pathetically WRONG
Just reposting some facts for @Toby Smart

It's clear you're pretty hopefully Round 2 will help hammer in how pathetically wrong you are

Here's another link to the Wisconsin DUI case you're not bright enough to go back and find the last one

Please note that all actions under this statute brought by the state are CRIMINAL actions

Here's a quick link on the difference between criminal and civil actions....since you don't have a clue
Try not to be such an idiot next time

There is nothing that's "kind of a civil action", unless you're going to get into the post-criminal-trial motions (Habeas Corpus, etc.)

Either something is a criminal action, or a civil action.......simple as that
Toby Smart? more like Toby Stupid. Can you not read? The CRIMINAL statute was repeatedly cited, yet you continue to insist that 1st time DUI is not a criminal offense in Wisconsin. Apparently there's no cure for dumb.
Toby Smart? more like Toby Stupid. Can you not read? The CRIMINAL statute was repeatedly cited, yet you continue to insist that 1st time DUI is not a criminal offense in Wisconsin. Apparently there's no cure for dumb.

Apparently @Toby Smart thinks that anyone who relies on something as new-dangled as facts or law is a "snowflake".


Apparently the appropriate use of that term is just another thing he cannot understand.

Quite pathetic, really.