Longhorns on vacation

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Just got back from the islands and ran into an ND fan the 1st day also from PA. Then saw a whole bunch of texas fans from Austin. Still very worried about what to expect. One fan had a son graduate HS with CAM and told me what a great person & player! Yep Cam was an RKG!!

BEAT the texicans!!!
I view the UT game as I a few years back when ND played UM team (Hoke 1st yr HC?). I was on the UM board reading the posts and they had resigned themselves to a blowout loss and then....
(actually, I can't recall if it was 2011 or 20?? but it was a game ND should have won going away)

So this game sets up advantage ND in every catagory except home field.
This is a must win game for Kelly, a seventh year coach vs a 3rd year cosch who has not even finished his house cleaning. And to boot UT has a true Fr. at QB.
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I view the UT game as I a few years back when ND played UM team (Hoke 1st yr HC?). I was on the UM board reading the posts and they had resigned themselves to a blowout loss and then....
(actually, I can't recall if it was 2011 or 20?? but it was a game ND should have won going away)

So this game sets up advantage ND in every catagory except home field.
This is a must win game for Kelly, a seventh year coach vs a 3rd year cosch who gas not even finished his house cleaning. And to boot UT has a true Fr. at QB.

2011 was a long time ago. Brian Kelly was in his second year and still a long way from building depth. We have had 4 straight excellent recruiting classes for the first time since Holtz and we have been cleaning up lately in early season games. (12 and 0 in 2012 ,6 and 0 in 2014) (10 and 1 in 2015) in We are going to crush Texas again.
And screw this "must win" game for Kelly. He is here another six years because he has proven he is a program builder and consistent winner.

Upsets happen but I see a well prepared well coached Irish team being up for game one in Texas and taking care of business. They won't be looking past Texas to Nevada.

*** Purse I know you hate Coach Kelly. You have said that since the first season when the Irish went 8 and 5. It is going to be a long season for you thinking every game is going to make or break Coach Kelly. The Irish have a helluva lot of talented eager players and are going to kick some a$$ this year. You better get used to it.
My opinions of Kelly are different than my opinions of Head Coach Kelly.
And you make up shit, more so than any poster on this board; including Argusman, TOM or any other extremist.

Your a brainless twit.

You mention Kelly was only in his 2nd year as an excuse offering but Hoke was in his 1st year! duh!

Kelly has everything he wanted for his team and Strong is way dhort of his team goal. Grow a pair and get behind your team -Team that is not 'man worship'; maybe you arrived with him and will leave with him? just as we know you're a hot air bed wetting air wuss!

ND cannot lose this game; too many teams with 1st and 2nd year coaches do not enjoy the benefits of a 7 year tenure to construct their team! With the talent ND has, there would be no reasonable excuse to lose to UT; none.
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Guys, you can't obsessively post that you think the head coach is great, has recruited great, develops talent great, hires great, motivates great, has great plans AND THEN cower at the first sign of competition!
A ND team 7 years in the making vs a team and staff in flux! But our pom pom wavers are cowering and wetting the bed! After ND wins they will be 'we told you so'; NO, I told you so!

Are you hypocrites? ND has too much talent, experience and an established system to have fans fretting and 'preping excuses just in case'. ND wins the opener in efficient fashion. UT is not ready; inexperienced and still somewhat in disarray. You can't keep losing to the big name teams, especially when your favored!

For the galactically stupid mean girls: ND needs this win- Kelly is coach, he is not ND. That's where your head is when it's not up ya butt tell; fans of a coach not ND!

Put your bravado where your posts are!
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The above usc troll doesn't understand that Coach Kelly's job is to build a program that competes for a NC every year.

As such, EVERY game is a must win, can't lose game with NC implications.

UT will be ready to play.

Go Irish!
Anothe wuss!

talks the talk but then cowers when time to put up or shut up

UT ready to play but they are playing a more experienced, more talented, deeper team.
I expect to see a Very efficient, very effective very well coached motivated team vs UT!

How do I know this? I read this board! Are you guys just 'hot air'? false bravado?
Bodie, don't know what Perse post you're reacting to since I have him on ignore, but how can anyone think this is a must win for Kelly? We will be favored in all but one or two games this year, and similar thinking would suggest each of those is a must win. Then you have the one or two we're not favored, and the same anti Kelly folks will say each of them is a must win in order to prove himself, etc... From my perspective, every game is a must win for Kelly and ND to reach our stated goal of being one of the four playoff teams, but not in the context of his job security or coaching achievements.
As for the Texas game, I expect a fired up home field advantaged team to come out playing high risk high reward football. It will be important for us to create some big loses or turnovers to deny them momentum. I'm still thinking a 17 pt win for the Irish. Should be a great atmosphere and one hell of a way to start the season.
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Hmmmmm...can't we all just get along?????

BEAT the cows!!!


to correct your request!

the High Commender (3rd Rock) had more appropriately figured out as,

"can't we all just not get along?"

think about it! it is genius!

But true it is a shame that ND's fans include such a divisive malicious element that try to stiffle any opinions that are not in agreement with theirs! failing that they resort to vulgarity and character assassination. I question whether they are ND fans or are just part of a cliche that worship 'their guy'!
In any case, yea, it would be great if a free flowing discussion of football was possible! One that welcomes a myriad of opinions for discussion!
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I'll tell you what to expect. A close tough game that won't have any resemblance to 2015, but, if ND wants to be part of the elite, they must win games like this. The worst possible thing ND can do is start slow and keep Texas in the damn thing going into the 4th Quarter.
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I was so disappointed last season when that little guy didn't make the trip to South Bend. That probably would have been my only chance to see this Longhorn tradition up close and in person. I think ND put the kibosh on the whole thing.
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hey D-S
"...ND cannot lose this game; ...."
Such an A-H. Kelly is not ND - you guys prove who is your 'team'; and it is not ND.
My opinions of Kelly are different than my opinions of Head Coach Kelly.
And you make up shit, more so than any poster on this board; including Argusman, TOM or any other extremist.

Your a brainless twit.

You mention Kelly was only in his 2nd year as an excuse offering but Hoke was in his 1st year! duh!

Kelly has everything he wanted for his team and Strong is way dhort of his team goal. Grow a pair and get behind your team -Team that is not 'man worship'; maybe you arrived with him and will leave with him? just as we know you're a hot air bed wetting air wuss!

ND cannot lose this game; too many teams with 1st and 2nd year coaches do not enjoy the benefits of a 7 year tenure to construct their team! With the talent ND has, there would be no reasonable excuse to lose to UT; none.

Purse, it is "you're a brainless twit " not "your a brainless twit". You should have learned that in the second grade, my friend.
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just read today that UT just moved qb heard to wr and it looks more and more like there true freshman will probably start against our irish or at least see playing time. people down in texas have been raving about this true freshman since the first days of spring practice and so it isn't a surprise that they take heard with his speed and make him a wr since he hasn't done a whole at qb
well, He might enjoy some success as he gains experience, but an experienced well coach playoff contending team should be able to control the true Fr. in his 1st career start.
I expect ND to do just that.

did you see Sarell got accepted by Stanford. I wonder if he keeps his visit to ND plans.
HH is hitting a rough spot!
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IMO a W at texas is a big, key win for the 2016 Irish. away game.....home crowd......big night...national TV. ND needs to win......then beat Nevada for a great Spartan matchup. Team needs LEADERS to perform, gain confidence.

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this is a situation where getting hayes some playing time in game one could help because with his speed off the edge he could maybe rattle the true frsehman qb early and force him into turning the ball over
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as for sarell pers I don't think getting accepted into Stanford does anything to alter his fall gameday visit because distance only seemed to be the main factor and he seems to have gotton over that
Cool....I hope we see both Hayes and Kareem. Both seem to be showing they can be situational players as true freshmen. Frankly, I expect to see a lot of pressure on their QB from our back seven.
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