Knee injuries While Celebrating


I've posted how many times?
Feb 21, 2009
Day, Tranquil, Crawford.

Act like you've ****in' been there before and play the game. Quit celebrating every decent play you make and stop jumping around.

Ban me for the f-bomb if you want. They're killing themselves.
First Redfield now Crawford. Yikes. This DB group is already razor thin. SMH.
He hurt himself on the play and stomped his foot out of frustration when he realized he was hurt! Watch it, IIO. you can see his bad lower leg go soft on the fall..
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Maybe if ND had a stretching program that included Yoga like Stanford these type of injuries would not happen.

There is a reason Stanford is the least injured team in College Football.
Achilles is worse, right? More than a year recovery? (I remember when Kobie did it.) Guess we have to wait to hear how bad.
Day, Tranquil, Crawford.

Act like you've ****in' been there before and play the game. Quit celebrating every decent play you make and stop jumping around.

Ban me for the f-bomb if you want. They're killing themselves.
Anyone with eyes could see Crawford wasn't celebrating. He stomped his feet quickly in disappointment. His body just isn't built for physicality.
Maybe if ND had a stretching program that included Yoga like Stanford these type of injuries would not happen.

There is a reason Stanford is the least injured team in College Football.

Yeah, that's why - the Notre Dame football team doesn't have a proper stretching
He hurt himself on the play and stomped his foot out of frustration when he realized he was hurt! Watch it, IIO. you can see his bad lower leg go soft on the fall..
Nobody in their right mind would stomp on a bad Achilles. It is unbelievably painful. He did it on the celebration.
IIIO, had the same thought when it first happened, but then it became apparent it was a heel injury, and suffered during the play. More importantly, we will really miss him in the backfield this season. Thin just got skinny!
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Day, Tranquil, Crawford.

Act like you've ****in' been there before and play the game. Quit celebrating every decent play you make and stop jumping around.

Ban me for the f-bomb if you want. They're killing themselves.
Ban you for ignorance is more likely!
Shane Walton and Reggie Brooks both talked about the injuries on the ND Post Game Show. They both hit on the point that an Achilles injury is not the kind of injury that can be prevented through weights or working out. It just happens. They also said that Paul Longo has set up a top notch program to track injuries. Players are equipped with GPS and other sensors during practice to get a reading on muscle movement and wear. They both speak highly of the program. Reggie is the administrator for the track team and said that one of the runners ruptured an Achilles doing a simple drill.They both doubled down on the quality of the playing surface so it can't be that. They both right it off as bad luck....for now.
Maybe if ND had a stretching program that included Yoga like Stanford these type of injuries would not happen.

There is a reason Stanford is the least injured team in College Football.
Bingo. Yoga. Bingo. These would not happen
Happened during the play, watch it in slow mo. Just because somebody isn't paralyzed immediately doesn't mean squat. Adrenaline
ND might need to go back to a regular grass field or something. Cause the majority of tears seem to take place at home. He suffered an injury normally associated with basketball.
Stretching? Grass field? I'm guessing your not trusting the opinions of Shane Walton and Reggie Brooks.