Justin Brent


I've posted how many times?
Dec 13, 2006
"Coach, I've got the size, the speed and the athleticism. I'm here to help our team. If you need me at safety I'll do anything I can to make that transition."

(Or is this poster deluding himself to think that Justin can even play safety -- I do understand that the transition could take a while -- thoughts?) We need bodies back there!
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I believe he has the physical gifts to play safety. He has been a WR and a RB so he might be able to pick things up pretty quickly.
But, 1st Dex? no Dex and JB is needed at RB.

With JB it has always been more a case of 'want to'; does he want to be a great football player?

Vanderduh, Bryant, Redfield, Kiel : all 5 stars they never contributed as expected. They were the elite of their classes.
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He should pick up playing safety quickly, as Van Gorder's defense is
simple to learn.
In about 5 years or so, he should have it down pat.
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