For a troll/troublemaker/provocateur, whatever the F chaseball is, it's time for these guys to up the ante a little bit. BK's gone, so there's no bashing him anymore. At least not for someone like the OP, who poses as a serious observer of the contemporary scene, and wouldn't waste his critical thought on someone who's now long gone. He also poses as a young turk, so it's not so easy to bash Rees and MF either.
So the natural next target would be the old-guard, aged stuffed shirts like Swarbrick, obviously, and even Jenkins, who is a man of the cloth, and so one must tread warily.....
I imagine Swarbrick is going to retire at some point here fairly soon, he's had a successful run, not just with BK and the all-important football program, but with the whole AD. And he was able to enjoy the thrill of making the MF hire, which sounded like was very gratifying to him. I don't think Swarbrick would be fired, however. I feel like saying his time at ND was hugely successful, and he's not someone who would be looked upon as needing to be got rid of.
As for Jenkins, I have no idea what the politics are that surround that position. I'm guessing that he's well thought of, and is not going anywhere anytime soon, for better or worse. Unless he gets some plum appointment to Rome or something....