The only stability I see in the future is through a major TV contract, probably shared between 4 or more providers.
A hybrid "NFL model", for football only. Step one: agree on the programs to be included (very difficult, not sure that will ever get done). Step two: every program gets a minimum payment. For argument's sake, say there are 64 programs and every school gets $40 million minimum. Teams with winning records get more. Teams that play tougher SOS get more than teams that end up with the same record but have played a weaker SOS. The champion gets say $80 million. Runner up, $75 million, etc, down the line. These figures are just guesswork. Adjust up or down for something more feasible.
I don't know if the major programs, mostly in the SEC and Big Ten, would go for this because the gap between the rich and poor teams is less than what it is now. But it would lend stability, reward the better teams, and grow the sport nationally. When the weakest teams are guaranteed at least B12 money (roughly), they can budget accordingly and not have to worry about a conference imploding. ADs might hate it, when a preseason ten win team instead goes 5-7 and only collect the minimum. And as I stated, agreeing on who is invited and who is left with the Texas States of the world is an enormous hurdle.
But TV money could, in theory, be a stabilizing factor.