I HATE BK Right Now...

Kelly not playing kizer all game was nuts. However our D sucks ballsssss
Kelly wasted too many series on offense by playing musical chairs with the QB's. Cost ND the game. BVG is Kelly's hand picked guy.
Another year down the drain. Alabama does not apologize for beating USC 52-6 but BK goes into run-out-clock mode at Texas with 7 minutes to go. I HATE him for that and will never forget it.
Kelly has been at ND for 6 full seasons. In 3 of those ND had 5 losses. 4 losses in 1 and 3 last season. In 2012 he had one. We can all figure out the exception to the rule here. Quick math says that is 4 per year, slightly rounded up. So 8-4 is the norm. Good start on it this season. Nothing new here. Just the same old same old.
Kelly has been at ND for 6 full seasons. In 3 of those ND had 5 losses. 4 losses in 1 and 3 last season. In 2012 he had one. We can all figure out the exception to the rule here. Quick math says that is 4 per year, slightly rounded up. So 8-4 is the norm. Good start on it this season. Nothing new here. Just the same old same old.
He should shut up talking about playing championship football
I see five losses this year. BK does not know how to close FB games. I feel ashamed to be a ND football fan.
I see five losses this year. BK does not know how to close FB games. I feel ashamed to be a ND football fan.
Grow a sack, ND was down 17 and very, very lucky to go to OT. You should be ashamed for being a bitch.

I do agree the run play on 3rd and 8 was just pitiful, brutal. But, the only real fix is the defense, something needs to change.
Anyone needing to save their job or starting a freshman QB will beat ND this year. BK will have a soft heart and keep that team going for a dramatic finish. As ND fans, get used to first time starting QBs and humongous overhauls on coaching staffs to out-coach Kelly.
Anyone needing to save their job or starting a freshman QB will beat ND this year. BK will have a soft heart and keep that team going for a dramatic finish. As ND fans, get used to first time starting QBs and humongous overhauls on coaching staffs to out-coach Kelly.
At least you'll get lots of close exciting games versus mediocre teams
At least you'll get lots of close exciting games versus mediocre teams
Usually, I turn off the tv and go to bed rather than watch the inevitable. All I can say this time was BK gift-wrapped a win for UT.

I want a coach that wins the game before playing it rather than feels sympathy for a coach. BK should be fired for tonight's game - let Charlie play his game out BUT fire Brian Kelly.