Hey Irish, Gameday on Campus next Saturday

Aug 5, 2002
Greetings, Irish. With our matchup next week, it brings back memories of some of the great games we have had in the past. With gameday on campus and the 8:00 national slot on ABC, I really hope we put together another great game.

Safe travels for those coming to Miami!
Great game on the agenda. Notre Dame probably would have had two "Gamedays" this year, but they won't show an NBC team. LOL!
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Over/under on number of ejections at Gameday? They had 23 at the VaTech game. This is Miami though, no one is going to be awake at 9am.
Is this attempt #4 at revenge? You’ve had at least 3 chances that I can remember.
I hope they can get the turf in order. Horrible playing surface there. Better pack the screw on cleats.