Greg Bryant slaying: Friend thinks he may have been targeted


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003

On their way home down Interstate 95, an unknown assailant fired several times into Bryant’s vehicle, killing the former American Heritage star athlete.

During their ride home at about 4:45 a.m., Bryant turned up the volume in his car. Grover said his initial thought after hearing the first gun shot was that it was part of the music they were listening to.

Grover said Bryant was shot once in the back of the head.

Unable to use his hands, Grover said he jumped out of the car and began waving for help. Two men stopped. One called 911 and then other performed CPR on Bryant.

“There was no road rage, no altercations at the club,” said Grover when asked what could have led to the shooting. “Nothing.”
Nothing good ever happens leaving nightclubs at 4:45 AM........sad.
Exactly 348 Shame What is wrong with people to do this? I don't understand how Bryant got shot and the car made it to the side of the road without crashing?
They were at "Sugar Daddy's" an African American strip club in a very bad part of PB County.

Not a good choice.