Really can not understand FANS like you . And their are numerous on this site. You make blanket statements about scheme , game plan and skill sets with no expertise in any of those areas . I realize fans have opinions and should. But to make statements about
no adjustments ,”OL play sucked” demonstrates your lack of knowledge in those two areas to start.
The Irish opened up with one of the top 3 teams in the country , with 3 Heisman candidates , a veteran huge offense line on the road in front of 106 thousand rabid fans . The Irish lead with approximately 20 seconds remaining in the 3rd quarter!
I would be willing to bet that would not be the case the remainder of the regular season.
And to state TB did not make many plays , although an accurate statement, there were many reasons why . A depleted and very inexperienced receiving corps being one.
Have some patience.