Too many memories of when ND has crapped the bed against foes like Temple.
I get the feeling this year's team is a bit different. Kelly has instituted a strong sense of accountability with the players. We have to remember that half of the coaching staff is very new (Elliot-4th year, BVG-2nd, Denbrock-6th, Elston-6th, Sanford-1st, Booker-6th ,Denson-1st , Hiestand-4th , Gilmore-1st , Lyght-1st, Quinn-1st [although he is an Off Analyst]) so the team is also starting to mesh around them as well.
The players also have a strong sense of responsibility with their injured comrades.
This isn't the prediction thread, but I am going with 41-6 (not sure if it is 2 FG or a missed PAT). I am more worried (by a large margin) about Pitt - although I think ND wins by about 10 points > 24-14.